
pyramid n.1.金字塔。2.【數學】角錐,棱錐;【結晶】錐;【解...


One render pass builds entire mipmap pyramid 一次渲染總會建立一個完整的紋理細化金子塔。

You see something ? - just some deer doing a pyramid 你看到什么了? -只是一些鹿在搭金字塔

Diamond pyramid hardness number vickers hardness 鉆維硬度值韋克氏硬度

Look ! i made a pyramid with my name cards 你看、我用名片做了個金字塔。

He probably wrote on pyramid walls centuries ago , 他也許在幾個世紀前在金字塔上也寫過字

The pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world 古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇觀之一。

A bizarre scene appeared in the egyptian pyramids 一副詭異的場景出現在埃及的金字塔中!

We often associate egypt with pyramids 我們總是把埃及與金字塔聯系起來。

It same size as the great pyramid in egypt 它與埃及的大金字塔同樣大小。

Numerous organs inside the pyramid , should beware oh 金字塔里面機關重重,可要小心哦。

They gonna dig up the pyramids over in egypt 他們將會從埃及挖掘出金字塔

Pyramid adventure games - 4455 miniclip games 金字塔歷險攻略- 4399小游戲網

You shall walk up the pyramids of egypt “你還可以大步跨上埃及金字塔! ”

Her first view of the pyramids filled her with awe 她初見金字塔時,敬畏之感油然而生

This might be the first pyramid ever built 這或許是有史以來的第一座金字塔

Food guide pyramid for teenagers aged 12 to 18 12 - 18歲青少年健康飲食金字塔

Girds point are often marked by smaller pyramids 網格點常常用比較小的金字塔作標記。

We hired a tour guide to take us to the pyramids 我們請了一個導游帶我們游覽金字塔。

Her first view of the pyramid fille her with awe 她初見金字塔時,敬畏之感油然而生。