
pygmy n.1.矮人;矮小動物;智力低劣的人。2.〔P-〕矮小黑...


This article attempts to analyze the processing mechanism of the pure economic loss which comes to being in the system of civil law and anglo - america law system , summarizes characteristics of the processing mechanism and the policy consideration factor behind these processing mechanism , then carries on the discussion of the construction and the consummation of processing mechanism of the pure economic loss of our country , hopes to give my pygmy effort into the theory and the system of the pure economic loss in the our country 本文擬從純粹經濟損失賠償制度的立法選擇入手,分析大陸法系、英美法系各國基于各自法律傳統與法律體系所形成的各具特色的純粹經濟損失賠償制度,考察其立法選擇背后更深層次的政策考量,分析對我國純粹經濟損失賠償制度立法選擇的借鑒意義。

The most famous examples include the gorilla in 1847 ( and the mountain gorilla in 1902 ) , the giant panda in 1869 , the okapi ( a short - necked relative of the giraffe ) in 1901 , the komodo dragon in 1912 , the bonobo ( or pygmy chimpanzee ) in 1929 , the megamouth shark in 1976 and the giant gecko in 1984 最著名的例子包括1847年的大猩猩(與1902年的山地大猩猩) 、 1869年的大貓熊、 1901年的歐卡皮鹿(長頸鹿的一種短頸親戚) 、 1912年的科莫多巨蜥、 1929年的巴諾布猿、 1976年的巨嘴鯊,以及1984年的巨型壁虎。

Thus , this paper will research into the ownership of insurance interest and rights disposition of subject in the property insurance contract on the basis of alteration of property insurance interest and analysis on functional value with the combination of anglo - american law system and theory from taiwan scholars , aiming at contributing pygmy effort to integrity of chinese legislation 在我國保險立法實踐中,財產保險利益的主體是僅歸屬于投保人的,這種規定顯然過于籠統,不符合現實情況,不利于保險利益價值功能的實現,并存在同一部法律的內部前后矛盾的問題。

Through the studies to the problem we hope it can help the most elementary math teachers to comprehend and actualize the new courses and boost the improvement of the specialty itself and also hasten the elementary school training institution to cultivate the new courses that do our pygmy effort to the new math courses reformation 通過對以上問題的研究,希望能對廣大小學數學教師理解、實施新課程并促進自身專業成長起指導作用,對各級小學數學教師培訓機構進行新課程培訓起促進作用。

For that , in order to make a primary exploration on her pygmy effort , the writer has not only actively collected the existing materials and digested the other ' s research achievement , but also personally investigated several counties in the area on this subject and thus a lot of first hand material is collected 為此,筆者在積極搜集資料、吸收別人研究成果的基礎上,親赴關中數縣進行小城鎮社會調查,搜集到了大量第一手資料,試圖以自己綿薄之力,對關中小城鎮發展模式做初步探索。

There are also two competingexplanations : that small bodies keep cool more readily than large ones ( pygmyism tends to be a tropical phenomenon ) or that pygmies live in placeswith unreliable food supplies , and their size means they can make do withsmaller meals 還有另兩種與之競爭的解釋:矮小的身材比高大的更容易保持涼爽(侏儒現象傾向于出現在熱帶)或者侏儒居住的地方食物供應不可靠,長得小意味著能夠靠更少的食物勉強度日。

The last male purebred columbia basin pygmy rabbit has died , leaving just two females in a captive breeding program created to try to save the endangered species from extinction 世界上最后一只雄性的純種哥倫比亞盆地侏儒兔最近不幸死亡。這致使美國在實施一個旨在試圖拯救這種瀕危物種免于滅絕的圈養繁殖計劃的過程中,僅有兩只純種的雌性侏儒兔尚存。

The last two columbia basin rabbits , both offspring of the original captured rabbits , are at the portland zoo . the fate of the isolated species now rests entirely in a crossbreeding program with the closely related idaho pygmy rabbit 而目前僅存的兩只雌性純種哥倫比亞盆地侏儒兔都是那些最初被捕獲的侏儒兔的后代,它們也生活在該動物園內。

But mixed in among the pygmy stegodon remains excavators found a fancier set of tools , one that included finely worked points , large blades , awls and small blades that may have been hafted for use as spears 但是,發掘人員在出土劍齒象遺骸的地層里找到了一組更為復雜的石器,包括制作精美的尖器、大型石瓣器、錐子、也許當矛頭用的小石瓣器。

A handout photo made available by froso zoo aug . 24 , 2006 , the survivor of a pair of albino pygmy marmoset monkeys born at froso zoo in ostersund , sweden , clings to a zoo keeper ' s thumb in this photo taken aug . 22 , 2006 這組照片由瑞典厄斯特松德城的弗羅索公園提供。照片上是一對患白化病的侏儒狨猴,它們趴在動物管理員的手指上。

Randy olson : male ; he is a frequent photographer for the magazine please transliterate consistent with previous transliterations . he last photographed for the magazine in the september 2005 issue on pygmies 蘭迪?奧爾森:男性;是一位出色的攝影師,他的作品頻繁地在報刊雜志上出現;最近的一次是他在05年9月份的雜志上為俾格米拍照。

Amathematical model used by the team confirms that , given pygmy lifeexpectancies , their growth and reproduction patterns have indeed been optimisedby natural selection 小組使用的一個數學模型印證了這一點,盡管自然選擇已經優化侏儒的平均壽命、生長和生殖的模式。

Our closest animal cousins , the common chimpanzee and the bonobo ( pygmy chimpanzee ) , can achieve surprising levels of language comprehension when motivated by skilled teachers 黑猩猩和巴諾布猿是人類的近親, ?們在老師有技巧的引導下,可以獲得驚人的語言理解力。

None is thought to exist in the wild , which means the two females - lolo and bryn - are the only known purebred pygmy rabbits left in existence 這致使美國在實施一個旨在試圖拯救這種瀕危物種免于滅絕的圈養繁殖計劃的過程中,僅有兩只純種的雌性侏儒兔尚存。

African pygmies usually live in forests , and theconventional explanation for their stature has been that it makes it easier forthem to move through dense vegetation 非洲侏儒一般生活在叢林中,對其身材的傳統解釋是這樣的身材利于其在密林中活動。

Its rich natural flora , and threatened mammal species such as the pygmy hippopotamus and 11 species of monkeys , are of great scientific interest 它有豐富的自然植物和瀕于滅亡的哺乳動物種類,例如矮種河馬和十一種猴子,都具有很高的科學研究價值。

Modern primates range from prosimians such as the pygmy mouse lemur , through the monkeys , to anthropoid apes such as the gorilla - and humans 現代大主教范圍從prosimians譬如矮小老鼠狐猴,通過猴子,對似人猿的猿譬如大猩猩和人。

The pygmy hippopotamus stands about one metre high and is native to west africa . numbers in the wild have fallen to below 2000 since 1993 只有1米多高的矮腳河馬生活在西非,從1993年起這種動物在野外的數量不足2000只。

I thought , “ perhaps he is a pygmy . “ seeing me the boy moved behind a big tree by the side of the road . so i went behind the tree 我想: “也許是個侏儒。 “那男孩看到我,立即躲到路旁一棵樹后。于是,我就走到樹后。