
putter n.【高爾夫球】輕擊棒;輕打者。


This is the second controversy to hit indian athletes within a month - female shot putter seema antil was withdrawn from the asian games she failed a pre - competition dope test 這是一個月內印度運動員遭到的第二重打擊,他們的鉛球女將安蒂爾因為賽前的藥檢呈陽性而退出了亞運會。

The wooden headed putter is supplied with a brass sole plate . the hand grips on the hickory shafts are finished in quality leather with a decorative brass button set in the end cap 這種木推桿的桿頭底部包印黃銅,胡桃木桿身的握把為高質量皮質品,并且頂端是黃銅頂。

The sampling test and aeromechanics experiment provers that the new formula is able to exactly draw the suitable angle for every shot - putter 抽樣檢驗和空氣動力學實驗指出,新公式能夠準確地描述出高、中、低各種水平鉛球運動員的適宜出手角度。

Vrml continued to putter along , mostly in research contexts , but failed to take hold and was largely written off by the web community Vrml繼續被研究,大部分工作都是在研究領域中開展的,但是web社區卻不關心這種技術了。

A : our golf equipment is located right over there . i know of one putter that most women like if you would like to see that particular one 我們的高爾夫球具在那邊。您愿意看的話,我知道有一把推桿是大多數女士喜歡的。

Our golf equipment is located right over there . i know of one putter that most women like if you would like to see that particular one 我們的高爾夫球具在那邊。您愿意看的話,我知道有一把推桿是大多數女士喜歡的。

Do not haul the putter on the green and pay attention to run - up footstep in process in case scratch green and affect others putting 勿將推桿于果嶺上拖行,并注意行進間應將腳步抬高,以免造成刮痕,影響他人推桿。

You ' ll be happiest now puttering around your own place . if you don ' t have one , it ' s also a good time to shop for real estate 現在閑居之樂讓你最開心,如果還沒有自己的窩,現在也是購屋的好時機。

A player , approaching his ball on the putting green to lift it , dropped his putter on his ball and moved it 問:打完近果嶺的一桿,球員準備把球拿起來,但他的推桿落到球上,結果球移動了。

The doctor says that you are still not fit for heavy work , but you can get up and putter around the house for a few days 大夫說你還不適于干重活,但是你可以起床在房前屋后走動走動幾天。

This assistance frame is designed as t shape , which can be conveniently fixed onto the body of ordinary putter 該輔助架設計為t型,可以方便地固定在普通推桿的桿身之上。

Russian shot putter irina korzhanenko ' s lost her gold after she tested positive for steroids 俄羅斯女子鉛球冠軍科爾扎連科也由于在藥檢中呈陽性而被剝奪了獲得的金牌。

The tpa18 putter i used to win the ‘ 89 masters , ‘ 90 masters and ‘ 90 british open Tpa18輕推干推擊桿,我用它贏得了89年和90年的大使大師杯,還有90年的英國公開賽。

If he retains his faith in his ability to hols out then he remains a good putter 要是他保持有能力將高爾夫球打入穴中的那種信心,那么他仍然是個好的高爾夫球輕擊手。

These customized wooden putters represent a superb present for anybody who loves the game of golf 這種定制的木推桿是任何一個高爾夫球運動愛好者的極好禮物。

These high quality handcrafted putters are available with wood heads and can be customized with a company logo 這些高品質的手工制作木頭推桿,可將公司標識

Customized wooden putters custom handcrafted hickory shaft putters are extremely popular as corporate gifts 手工定做胡桃木桿身推桿作為公司禮品非常流行。

Colourful tartan head covers are also available to protect these cherished putters 各色蘇格蘭格子尼保護頭套,使您能精心保護好這些珍貴的高爾夫推桿。

Serena : yeah , i actually 4 ) puttered around western europe for a few months myself after graduation 嗯,其實在畢業后,我也到西歐閑蕩了幾個月。