
purr vi.(貓)得意似地咕嚕咕嚕叫;(人)高興得喉嚨咕嚕咕嚕...


The calls can be high - pitched whistles like the “ kee - kee run , “ which is used by hunters to imitate a young turkey . one call a “ cluck and purr “ is much softer and competitors typically sit down on the stage to concentrate on the sound . “ i thought i had a beautiful run until the last call , which was a cluck and purr , “ pollard said 在這些“火雞叫聲”中,既有那種經常被獵人們模仿的年輕火雞的高亢尖利聲,也有一種聽上去極其柔和的“咯咯聲和咕嚕咕嚕聲”波拉德說: “ ‘咯咯聲和咕嚕咕嚕聲’是一種難度頗高的叫聲。

It is composed of three parts - the intermittent wind - puffing cave , siphon spring and underground river . in august and november each year , strong wind is frequently puffed out from the wind - purring cave , accompanied by the noise flowing water , making the tranquil earth noisy and dusty , 2 or 3 minutes later , wind - puffing stops and everything becomes tranquil again 它由間歇噴風洞虹吸泉和暗河三部分組成,每年8至11月,會時有大風從大小數十厘米的噴風洞噴出,安靜的大地頓時呼呼作響,涯土飛揚,并伴有隆隆的流水聲

She is such a dear quiet thing , alice went on , half to herself , as she swam lazily about in the pool , and she sits purring so nicely by the fire , licking her paws and washing her face - and she is such a nice soft thing to nurse - and she s such a capital one for catching mice - oh , i beg your pardon 愛麗絲一面懶散地游著,一面自言自語地繼續說, “她坐在火爐邊打起呼嚕來真好玩,還不時舔舔爪子,洗洗臉,摸起來綿軟得可愛。還有,她抓起老鼠來真是個好樣的,哦,請原諒我。 ”

I see the long fingers of the fashion model with their green and purple varnished nails skimming the listless chin , the grassy stubble of the slummy young aristocrat , or tickling the solid predatory nape of the uzbek champion who , aware of a remote and pleasant sensation , arches his deltoids eke a purring cat 我能想像:模特涂著綠色和紫色甲油的纖指,掠過潦倒的年輕貴族他倦怠無力的下顎,雜草般的胡茬;或者輕撓烏茲別克冠軍他堅實的掠食者的頸項;感覺這隱隱的愉悅,他弓起背,就像舒服地輕聲呼嚕的貓。

But house cats belong to an ancient line of hunters and there s very little that separates your purring kitty from the feline hunters of africa s savannas , the darkest forests of eastern india , snow - capped foothills of the rockies or sun - blasted sands of the arabian peninsula 但房子貓屬于獵人一條古老線路并且有很少分離您發出愉快的聲音的全部賭注從非洲的savannas似貓的獵人,東印度最黑暗的森林,羅基斯雪加蓋的山麓小丘或阿拉伯半島的星期日被炸開的沙子。

After tess had settled down to her cow there was for a time no talk in the barton , and not a sound interfered with the purr of the milk - jets into the numerous palls , except a momentary exclamation to one or other of the beasts requesting her to turn round or stand still 苔絲在奶牛身邊坐下來擠奶以后,一時間院子里的人誰也不說話了,偶爾除了一兩聲有人要牛轉向或站著不動的吆喝外,聽見的都是牛奶被擠進許多牛奶桶里的噗噗聲。

One call a “ cluck and purr “ is much softer and competitors typically sit down on the stage to concentrate on the sound . “ i thought i had a beautiful run until the last call , which was a cluck and purr , “ pollard said 在這些“火雞叫聲”中,既有那種經常被獵人們模仿的年輕火雞的高亢尖利聲,也有一種聽上去極其柔和的“咯咯聲和咕嚕咕嚕聲”波拉德說: “ ‘咯咯聲和咕嚕咕嚕聲’是一種難度頗高的叫聲。

The first light of sunrise , the sound of a cat purring , the smell of fresh coffee , yes , there are things that housewife likes to wake up to , but an expected guest in her bed is not one of them 日出的第一道陽光,貓咪咕嚕的叫聲,新鮮咖啡的香氣,沒錯,有很多事情是一個主婦期望在醒來時能感受到的,但是床上的不速之客可不在其中喲!

As with many behaviors in dogs and cats the original presumed purpose of the behavior may not be directly relevant to a pet ' s home . but we do believe that when our healthy pet cats purr they are happy and at peace 家里養貓貓的人都知道,貓咪最喜歡給撓癢癢了,撓得高興,它就“呼嚕呼嚕”的哼哼,非常享受的樣子。

Carolina called him “ son , “ and martin , as though he understood , thankfully purred in response . he climbed around the collar of her jacket , where he rested happily under her hair 卡蘿莉娜管他叫我的小孩,而小馬丁也好像懂得似的,感激地喵喵叫著回應,在她的夾克衣領上爬上爬下,還心滿意足地躺在她的頭發上休息。

Keep on singing , michael . “ you never know , dear , how much i love you . please don ' t take my sunshine away ? ” the ragged , strained breathing becomes as smooth as a kitten ' s purr 邁克爾一直在唱著: “親愛的,你從來不知道我有多么愛你。請不要帶走我的陽光? ? ”不規則的、緊張的呼吸變得如小貓的呼嚕聲那般安穩。

One day tom was in the act of dosing the crack when his aunt s yellow cat came along , purring , eying the teaspoon avariciously , and begging for a taste 有一天,湯姆正在給裂縫“喂藥” ,這時他姨媽喂養的那只黃貓彼得咪咪地叫著走過來,眼睛貪婪地盯著湯匙,好像是要嘗一口。

At other times , “ his mother “ picked him up and he extended his little arms , looking right into her eyes and purring as she talked sweetly to him 有時候他的媽咪會把他高高地舉起來,小馬丁也會伸出兩只小手臂,并凝視著她的眼睛,喵嗚喵嗚地回應她的甜言蜜語。

Thirdly , in view of the challenges related to the office equipment , and technique , it offers the problem about the equipment purr cheese usage and maintenance 最后是來自辦公設備與技術方面的挑戰,從辦公設備1 。二上自霎霎目。 il1一上由廠二嘟廠7 。

On the other hand , ibm s jvm for version 1 . 3 purrs along without a problem , indicating that it does transform the code in this way 另一方面,程序在ibm的jvm (版本1 . 3 )上咕嚕嚕運行時卻沒有任何問題,這表明ibm的jvm以這種方式轉換代碼。

Master foo turned back to the neophyte . “ the housecat may mock the tiger “ , said the master , “ but doing so will not make his purr into a roar “ 無名師轉向新門徒. “家貓也能欺負老虎“ ,無名師說, “但是貓叫永遠比不過虎吼.

Jackson ' s high , featherweight voice is a trademark in the industry , and it bites or purrs , depending on how he feels 杰克遜高昂飄渺的嗓音是音樂界的商標之一:是尖銳刺人,還是輕柔震顫? ?完全取決于他的感覺。

Marmalade and tom cat had heard it all a million before . they just closed their eyes and purred 咪咪和淘淘已經聽過這句話有上百萬次了。所以,它們只是閉上眼睛舒舒服服地打起了呼嚕。

The loud humming heard by most sighters of ufos is , in fact , the purring of several hundred tabbies Ufo目擊者所聽到的巨大的嗡嗡聲,實際上是數百只背上綁著黃油面包的貓的哀叫。