
purple adj.1.紫色的;紫紅色的;〔古語〕深紅色的。2.〔詩...

purple heart

I don ' t feel good about this . purple , hold 我覺得不是什么好東西,紫翼,穩住。

Standard twin room purple bamboo hotel reservation 標準雙人間,普陀山紫竹山莊預訂

Autumn is purple , because i like eating grapes 秋天是紫色的,因為我愛吃葡萄。

Purple maple gold 2 . 1 games - 4455 miniclip games 紫楓淘金者2 . 1小游戲- 4399小游戲

Siblings : younger sister fav colours : purple and yellow 喜愛的顏色:紫色和黃色

People dark hair and dark skin red and purple 黑發黑皮膚的)人穿紅色和紫色好看。

I only wanted to see you bathing in the purple rain 我只想看到你在紫雨中泳動

Girl i want the purple one . - i want a crown -我要紫色的-我要一頂國王的王冠

[ color = purple ] ireckoned my house wasworth 100 000 我估計我的房子值100000英鎊。

Q . what are the purple circles shown in the jpegs 在圖片中用紫色小圈標記是什么

Until the bloated colonel with the big fat mustache whirled upon him savagely with a purpling face, he offered the explanation that made him immortal . 直到后來,那個蓄著兩大撒粗口髦的趾高氣揚的上校猛然回過頭來,漲紅了臉,兇神惡煞般對他看著,這時他作了使他流芳百世的說明。

Within the irregular are of coral the lagoon was still as a mountain lake-blue of all shades and shadowy green and purple . 在珊瑚礁不規則的弧形圈里,環礁湖平靜的象一個山潭--湖水呈現各種細微色差的藍色、墨綠色和紫色。

Soon the rising sun, emerging from amidst golden and purple clouds, shed his blithesome rays on the tin weathercocks of communipaw . 不久,冉冉升起的太陽,從金紫色的云層中綻現,明麗的光華,灑在康穆尼波的錫制風標上。

Purple loosestrife arrived early, shaking luxuriant tangled locks along the edge of the mirror whence its own face laughed back at it . 紫色的珍珠菜最先登場,它沿著如鏡的水面抖開濃密的絲發,露出自己的笑臉。

The sun was slowly dropping behind the cold purple mountains when i heard the boy's footsteps coming toward my door . 太陽在清冷而紫紅的山后緩緩沉下時,我聽到男孩的腳步聲朝我的房門走過來。

We felt strong bonds with them when they started coloring flowers brown and drawing purple lakes . 當他們開始學習繪畫,總把花瓣畫成棕色,將湖水畫成紫色時,我們感到與他們同病相憐。

Again he lowered his head and gazed into the fascinating and yet treacherous depths of that magnetic, bluish, purple pool . 他又低下頭來,盯住這藍中帶紫的池塘里迷人而險惡的湖底。

She made a purple coat and put it around her scarecrow and dressed it in white silk stockings . 她做了一件紫色的外套,把它披在稻草人的身上,并且為它穿上白色絲襪。

Beneath its purple pall, the face painted on the canvas could grow bestial, sodden, and unclean . 在這塊紫色的棺衣下,畫布上的臉變得毫無人性、污穢、不潔。