
purist n.語言純正癖者。puristic adj.


In saying so i am aware of the possible challenge from monetary purists that a strict adherence to currency board rules does not require resorting to the assets representing the accumulated surplus so that we do not really need to hang on to it for the maintenance of monetary stability 我知道絕對的貨幣主義者可能會說,緊守貨幣發行局規則,并不需要借助累計盈馀,因此我們無需緊抓住這些資產來維持貨幣穩定。我對這種觀點的回應很簡單,過去

Parsing purists might take issue with my characterization : “ built - in schema types are defined syntactically , and patterns built on those built - in are thusly also formally syntactic . “ but in practical terms , when you declare that a given element must be a 語法分析純化論者可能會就我的描述提出異議: “內置模式類型是從語法上定義的,因此構建在這些內置類型上的模式在形式上也是符合語法的。 ”但在實際情況中,當聲明一個給定的元素必須是

Purists insist that blues is an african - american cultural expression , inaccessible in essence to the white practitioner . the opposition points to the universal spectrum of feelings - from sadness to joy - that blues expresses 清教主義者們堅持認為,藍調是一種非洲裔美國文化的表達方式,其從本質上來說對白人世界是不適合的;而反對者則認為,藍調樂所表達的從悲哀到喜悅的那種情懷是屬于全人類的。

The wahhabite - purist strain in islam , born , bred , and nurtured in the arabian peninsula , was by character a formidable foe of judaism ( and christianity ) , both of which it claimed to replace in the field of monotheistic faiths 純伊斯蘭教瓦哈比教派血統,土生土長于阿拉伯半島,猶太教(基督教)的強大反對者,所有的這些沙特阿拉伯所固有的特征都要求他們代替一神論信仰。

Given the limited knowledge currently available on these warriors , we found no reason to quibble with accuracy of costume , although the wearing of greaves might limit the appropriate period for some purists 由于資料有限,我們不能說這些服飾的準確度有什么問題,雖然對于那些完美主義者來說,穿著護脛甲可能會限制這些人物的適用時期。

There are acim religious purists who study and analyze the “ letter of the law ” in the book and there are acim mystics who choose to experience and understand the course 有一些把《奇跡課程》當成宗教,在書里頭研究又分析, “逐字推敲”的語言純正癖者,更有一些《奇跡課程》密修者,他們選擇體驗并融會貫通《課程》的意涵。

A soap purist would more likely rather go back to the extensibility model defined in soap and use additional soap headers to include this new information to process the message ; for example Soap純粹主義者可能更愿意回到soap中定義的可擴展性模型,并使用附加的soap頭包含這個新的信息來處理消息;例如:

Purists worry that the organic movement ' s original ideals have been forgotten as large companies that produce and sell organic food on an industrial scale have muscled in 普瑞斯特擔心有機運動的最初理念已被遺忘,因為大型公司已經摩拳擦掌的進入這一領域,采用工業規模化生產方式生產和銷售有機食品。

“ smooth jazz , ” with kenny g at its forefront , has proved the most commercially viable form of jazz , although purists scoff at its slick production and lack of improvisation 盡管純粹主義一派嘲笑它的作品媚俗且缺乏即興創作,凱麗?金為先鋒的“輕柔爵士樂”卻證明了它是最具商業競爭力的爵士樂類別。

Purists exult in the transcendent attractions of nature untamed , of daily rhythms keyed to the sun ' s arc and the paddle ' s dip 喜歡古樸天然的人們在這富有超凡吸引力的野性的自然中獲得喜悅,每天的韻律就融合在太陽閃動的弧光和船槳的浸蘸撥水中。 ”

Republicans may see their choice as betweenideological purity and electability , and the purists now have one anti - mccainto settle on 共和黨人可能面臨在意識形態純粹性和可選性之間作出選擇,而純粹派們至少還可以選一個同麥凱恩對著干的人。

The binding solution i ve shown you here seems almost sinfully easy , especially from a java - purist point of view . while the solution is no 這里,我向您展示的綁定解決方案似乎簡單得讓人難以置信,特別是以java純化論者的觀點看來更是如此。

This time , he looks at the lisp scheme family of languages that continues to endure in popularity , especially in teaching and among purists 這一次,他考察了lisp / scheme語言家族,這些語言在教學中和純化論者之間仍然受到歡迎。

I can already feel the tug of the database design purists at my sleeve - this is neither a standard nor a portable approach 我已經料到會有數據庫設計純化論者( purist )對此表示反對這種方法既不標準,也不可移植。

Also , purists should appreciate that it ' s possible to play with the old - school fps view , with nothing on screen but the gun reticle 另外,還可以用第一人稱方式進行,屏幕上只有槍械的瞄準十字線。

And i think that any basketball purist would rather see more player movement , more passing , and less dribbling 你想想,任何純粹的籃球主義者都寧愿看到隊員更多地跑動,更多地傳球,還有少運球。

Oop purists feel that everything should be classified properly , but perl programmers are not purists by any means Oop純化論者認為每件事都應該正確分類,但是perl程序員根本不是純化論者。

“ and you know you ' re going to get killed by the purists anyway , “ he shrugs , “ so what ' s the use ? “無論如何那些純粹主義都會要了你的命, ”他聳了聳肩, “那么這又有什么用呢? ”

Even more terrible , the purists wear blinders and can not see the person beyond that one trait 更可怕的是,純血統論者戴著有色眼鏡,無法看到除了那個特征之外的任何事情。