
pug 短語和例子pug1n.1.巴兒狗;獅子鼻。2.〔愛稱〕狐...

pug mill

Pug found himself looking at his wife detachedly, as he judged professional matters . 帕格發現他自己正在冷眼觀察他的妻子,就象在判斷職業上的事物似的。

“i know,“ pug said in a dry tone, that guillotined the conversation, and the captain left . “我知道”,帕格冷漠的口氣打斷了談話,于是艦長走了。

Rhoda, you and pug have many things that bind you together. i fully realize it . 羅達,你和帕格之間有許多東西把你們拴在一起,我充分了解這一點。

Pug was eagerly tearing open the envelope, addressed in pamela's mannish vertical hand . 帕格急切地撕開信封,信封上是帕米拉那男人般的豎體字跡。

Pug spied harry hopkins slouching alone in a gray suit by himself . 帕格瞥見哈里霍普金斯穿著一身灰色衣服,獨自一個人沒精打采地走過去。

Pug hoped he put the right puzzlement, tinged with anger, in his tone . 帕格希望從語調里顯露出適當的迷惑不解,再加上一點兒憤怒的意味。

There was nothing unusual about that. pug has always had trouble conversing with byron . 這并沒什么特別的。帕格跟拜倫說話一向很費勁。

“i said i know nothing about this,“ pug reacted in a quick hard fashion。 “我說過我對這種情況一無所知。”帕格做出迅速而強硬的反應。

September was crisping the berlin air and yellowing the leaves when pug got back . 帕格回去的時候,柏林的九月空氣清新,樹葉正在變黃。

Pug had not intended to break it this way, but the thing was done now . 帕格本來沒打算把這件事這樣透露出來,但是如今有人已經知道了。

As pug sat mulling over these possibilities an excited knock came at his door . 帕格正在那里琢磨這些可能性時,忽聽見急促的敲門聲。

The party separated into three cars, with pug driving the british guests . 客人們分乘三輛汽車,帕格開著送英國客人的那輛。

Pug didn't consider himself a fool, only rusty and nervous . 帕格并不認為他自己是個笨蛋,只不過老朽了,神經過于緊張罷了。

Spruance and pug henry exchanged quizzical looks near the end . 快結束時,斯普魯恩斯和帕格亨利交換了一下探詢的眼色。

She was in a wonderful mood, telling pug her ideas for the wedding . 她心情非常歡暢,把她對這場婚禮的意見說給帕格聽。

“okay, are we talking straight?“ fitzgerald said to pug . “那好!我們是開門見山地談吧?”費茲杰拉德對著帕格說。

Pug feared that he faced a heavy meal, but the fare was plain . 帕格先生還怕會吃上一頓油膩的飯菜,可是菜很清淡。

The sound of her voice speaking these simple words enthralled pug . 她說這幾句簡單的話的聲音叫帕格感到心醉神馳。

Pug thought that for an old friend digger was showing off too much . 帕格覺得迪格對一個老朋友炫耀得太過分了。