
oxyacetylene adj.【化學】氧乙炔的。 oxyacetylene b...


The enterprise of sieg blitz ek offers you cutting systems , welding systems and other as well as the further oxyacetylene process and dismantling machine tools Sieg blitz ek是一家現代化的、可靠的產品供應商,這家供應商從事切割系統,焊接系統,氣焊,其它,拆除的機床的制造、銷售。請您訪問我們的主頁,垂詢當前的產品系列和服務。

The flame use oxyacetylene or other burnt gases , for this method , the equipment is simple , the operation is easy , but the difficulty is large 火焰采用氧?乙炔火焰或其它可燃氣體火焰,這種方法設備簡單,操作容易,但難度較大。

Oxyacetylene welding and heating blowpipes . nozzles and nozzles adaptors . range of normal flowrates and dimensions 氧炔焊和加熱炬.焊嘴和焊嘴夾頭.標稱流量的范圍和尺寸

Test method for oxyacetylene ablation testing of thermal insulation materials 熱絕緣材料的氧乙炔燒蝕試驗方法

Repair of the oxyacetylene welding of the crank anxle 曲軸的氧乙炔焰噴焊修復