
oxford n.1.牛津〔英國城市,牛津大學所在地〕。2.(英國)牛...

oxford blue

Private jokes, the ritualizing of talk and gustation, a hint of self-satisfaction, even a tiny tinge of inbred malice: these are not entirely unknown in oxford and cambridge . 私人之間的笑話,講究飲食和談吐,一點自滿,甚至還有一點與生俱來的謔意,這些特點在牛津與劍橋也并非罕見。

In former times, england had her tyburn, to which the devoted victims of justice were conducted in solemn procession up what is now called oxford road . 從前,英國有她自己的刑場,法律所奉獻的犧牲品在肅穆的行列中被領到現在稱之為牛津路的地方去處決。

His leaving eton for oxford made no change in his kind dispositions, and only afforded more frequent opportunities of proving them . 他離開伊頓中學到牛津大學去讀書,并沒有因此改變了他忠厚的天性,倒是有了更多的機會顯示他的忠厚。

However, modified plain weaves, such as the oxford and basket, can provide greater yarn mobility than do taffeta weaves . 改進的平紋紡織,諸如牛津襯衫布和方塊紡織都比塔夫塔紡織中紗線容易移動。

One of these was the bishop of oxford , who took part in a debate against t. h. huxley , a well-known scientist . 其中的一個人就是牛津教區的主教,他參加了與著名科學家TH赫胥黎的辯論。

What i should like more than anything else would be to start a school in oxford for teaching english to foreign students . 我最熱衷的莫過于在牛津開辦一所教外國學生學英語的學校了。

For the last few years of his life he was america's most distinguished man of letters, to whom oxford preferred a chair . 到了晚年,他成了美國最顯赫的文人,牛津大學請他去教書。

The morning after this chat with john, i was very forcibly reminded of another old oxford tradition . 同約翰閑談后的第二天早晨,一件事情使我一下子回想起另一個古老的牛津傳說。

Mr. arabin went to oxford and soon found himself closeted with the august head of his college . 阿拉賓先生到牛津去不久便和學院的尊嚴可敬的院長關起房門來密談。

Oxford university was also in a sense a closed society, with its powerful conformities . 具有嚴格規章制度的牛津大學在某種意義上來說也是一個與外界隔絕的社會。

A man was knocked down by a bus in busy oxford street, and a crowd soon gathered around him . 在繁忙的牛津大街上,一個人被公共汽車撞倒,馬上就有一群人圍觀。

His breast swelled within his waistcoat at the idea that now he had a son at oxford . 一想到如今他有個兒子在牛津上學,不禁感到揚眉吐氣。

It is the theatre at oxford and not at cambridge which is on the verge of extinction . 處于被毀滅邊緣的是牛津的講壇,而不是劍橋的講壇。

We saw all the rarities of oxford and talked with two or three fellows of colleges . 我們看到了牛津所有的古跡珍物并同兩三位學員談天。

It is the theater at oxford and not at cambridge which is on the verge of extinction . 處于被毀邊緣的是牛津的講壇而不是劍橋的講壇。

It would be pleasant to end up his school-days with glory and then go to oxford . 榮耀地結束學校的生活,再去牛津,這也是滿愜意的。

He began with being a young man of promise; at oxford he distinguished himself . 他開始是一個大有希望的年青人,在牛津名列前茅。

It's all these contrasts in oxford that make the place so fascinating . 正是由于牛津存在著這些差別,它才成為如此迷人的地方。

I was therefore entered at oxford and have been properly idle ever since . 結果,我進了牛津,并且自那以后,就一直相當閑散。