
own adj.1.〔用在所有格之后以加強語氣〕自己的;特有的。...

own goal

I had my own strange and separate road . 我有自己奇怪的獨特的路。

They bewailded their own hard fate . 他們為自身凄慘的命運而哀哭。

He is afraid of his own shadow . 他提心吊膽,連自己的影子都害怕。

From now on you can work on your own . 你從現在起可以獨立工作了。

Emilia had her own religious convictions . 愛米莉亞有她自己的宗教信仰。

Half of them owned public securities . 他們之中有一半人有公債券。

Would you put your own grandson to death ? 難道你要殺死你自己的外孫嗎?

It has some parallels to our own day . 它同我們今天的現實頗有雷同之處。

My own personality has become a burden to me . 我的面容成了自己的負擔。

Do you own or rent your video ? 你的錄像機是自己的呢,還是租來的?

Meantime her time was her own . 在這期間,她的時間就歸自己支配了。

She has her own special way of doing things . 她做事自有一套辦法。

Did you move all this furniture on your own ? 你是自己搬的這些家具嗎?

It 's an ill bird that fouls its own nest ... 弄臟自己窩巢的不是好鳥。

I do n't think the house is their own . 我想那房子不是他們自己的。

You must not pledge your own health . 你切不可以你的健康孤注一擲。

I'm not proud of our own excesses . 我對我們自己人的暴行并不感到自豪。

It is time you stood on your own two feet . 是你自食其力的時候了。

She took refuge in her own thoughts . 她也來想自己的心思作為逃避。