
owl n.1.【鳥類】貓頭鷹,鴟鵂,梟。2.做夜工的人,熬夜的...

owl parrot

I shall kill an owl that your good health continue 我應該殺一只貓頭鷹好讓你的健康繼續

For the complete set of w3c owl specifications , refer to 要獲得全套w3c owl規范,請參閱

Without my wig , i look like an owl hoo ! hoo 沒有假發,我看起來像只貓頭鷹

We proceeded to try it with several owl monkeys 于是我們利用幾只夜猴來測試這個界面。

Owls feed on mice and other small animals 貓頭鷹以老鼠和其他小動物為食。

Used one for the owl and you just fired the last one 你把最后一槍打掉了

I am a brother to dragons , and a companion to owls 我與野狗為兄弟,又與鴕鳥作同伴。

Call upon owl , and we will be your guide 召喚貓頭鷹,我們將成為你的向導。

Billy : are you kidding ? i ' m a major night owl 比利?開什麼玩笑?我可是個超級夜貓子。

I am a brother to dragons , and a companion to owls 29我與野狗為弟兄,與鴕鳥為同伴。

We heard the distant hoot of an owl in the woods 我們聽到遠處樹林里貓頭鷹的鬼叫聲。

Owls are the only birds that can see the colour blue 貓頭鷹是唯一能看見藍色的鳥類。

This is ruby the psychic , ruby the night owl 這里是預言家魯比,夜貓子魯比

You night owls who only come alive after dark , 所有的一到晚上就精神奕奕的朋友們的,

Owls are known for their beauty and intelligence 人們得知貓頭鷹是因?的美麗和智慧。

One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls 深知底蘊,不以為怪。

Owl could be used to state that the 中使用的relationship詞匯表中,可以使用owl說明

Owls hooted as we passed through the woods 當我們穿過樹林時,貓頭鷹叫了起來。

He who lives near the woods is not frightened by owls 家住林邊梢,貓頭鷹嚇不倒。