
overspread vt.,vi.(-spread) 鋪蓋;覆蓋;布滿;蔓延...


Only one who has had the same experiencethat is , has spent several months continuously in the atmosphere of an army in the fieldcan imagine the delight nikolay felt when he got out of the region overspread by the troops with their foraging parties , trains of provisions , and hospitals ; when he saw no more soldiers , army waggons , and filthy traces of the camp , but villages of peasants and peasant women , gentlemens country houses , fields with grazing oxen , and station - houses and sleepy overseers , he rejoiced as though he were seeing it all for the first time 一個人只有一連數月不斷地處于軍旅和戰斗生活氣氛中,方能體會到尼古拉此時所享受的那種歡樂:他從部隊籌集糧秣,運送軍糧和設置野戰醫院的那一地區脫身出來他現在看見的不再是士兵大車和污穢的軍營,而是農夫農婦的鄉村,鄉紳的住宅,放牧畜群的田野,驛站和酣然入睡的驛站長,他就像第一次看到這一切情形那樣高興。

At first , the design of e - cash is complete anonymous , later this kind of e - cash system is proved having some faults , so the anonymity - revoking e - cash system is designed . in this kind of e - cash , the anonymity can be revoked under some conditions to prevent the crimes from overspreading 起初,人們對電子現金的設計是完全匿名的,后來證明這種電子現金有一定的缺陷,于是人們又設計了匿名性可撤銷的電子現金,在這種電子現金中匿名性可以在一定的條件下撤銷,從而阻止犯罪活動的蔓延。

They entered the woods , and bidding adieu to the river for a while , ascended some of the higher grounds ; whence , in spots where the opening of the trees gave the eye power to wander , were many charming views of the valley , the opposite hills , with the long range of woods overspreading many , and occasionally part of the stream 他們走進樹林,踏上山坡,跟這一灣溪流暫時告別。從樹林的空隙間望出去,可以看到山谷中各處的景色。對面一座座小山,有些小山上都長滿了整片的樹林,蜿蜒曲折的溪流又不時映入眼簾。

It is manifested by the disordered overspread of the suburbs , the downfall of the central cities , the exacerbation of racial conflicts , and the polarization between the rich and the poor . then the thesis analyzes the direct causes of oversuburbanization : the deep - rooted racial discrimination and the misguided federal housing and transportation policies in the early stage . chapter iv retrospects the train of thought of the federal government on its series of urban policies since the late 1940s to combat oversuburbanization and gives a comment on these measures and explains the fundamental reasons why the federal urban policies always face a paradoxical situation 第四章回顧了美國聯邦政府自二十世紀四十年代后期著手解決過度郊區化問題的思路和一系列重要的城市政策,并對這些政策做出了評價和分析,指出聯邦政府的城市政策之所以始終處于兩難境地,主要在于聯邦政府對復興中心城市的目的認識不足,未能將窮人的利益考慮在內;其政策制定的出發點是資產階級的整體利益,因此政策實施常常受到來自私有市場的阻撓;同時“州權”和“地方自治”等思想也造成各級政府合作困難。

It had , indeed , a very cheery aspect ; the walls being overspread with a kind of stucco , in which fragments of broken glass were intermixed ; so that , when the sunshine fell aslant - wise over the front of the edifice , it glittered and sparkled as if diamonds had been flung against it by the double handful 確實,住宅呈現著一派欣然景象:墻面除著一層拉毛灰泥,由于里面摻和著大量的碎玻璃碴,當陽光斜照到大廈的前臉時,便會閃著熔目的光芒,好像有一雙手在向它拋撤著鉆石。

As danglars approached the disappointed lover , he cast on him a look of deep meaning , while fernand , as he slowly paced behind the happy pair , who seemed , in their own unmixed content , to have entirely forgotten that such a being as himself existed , was pale and abstracted ; occasionally , however , a deep flush would overspread his countenance , and a nervous contraction distort his features , while , with an agitated and restless gaze , he would glance in the direction of marseilles , like one who either anticipated or foresaw some great and important event 騰格拉爾走近那個失戀的情人的時候,意味深長的看了他一眼。只見弗爾南多臉色蒼白,神情茫然地慢慢跟在那對幸福的人后面,而面前那對滿心歡喜的人卻似乎已完全忘記了還有他這個人存在著。他的臉偶爾會突然漲得通紅,神經質的抽搐一下,焦急不安的朝馬賽那個方向望一眼,好象在期待某種驚人的大事發生似的。

Therefore , if an e - cash system consists of two kinds of e - cash ( complete anonymous and anonymity - revoking ) , it is very convenient to the consumers and can promote the e - commerce , at the same time can prevent the crimes from overspreading . so an e - cash system with changeable anonymity is studied and designed in this paper 所以,如果一個電子現金系統可以實現兩種不同的電子現金(即完全匿名和匿名性可撤銷)共存,則會極大的方便那些誠實的消費者,會對電子商務是一個積極的促進,同時也會有效的防止犯罪活動的蔓延。

Software is a kind of special product whose cost is very large and has to get over many difficulties before coming into the market . but it is much easier to duplicate and usually can be copied with lower expenses . therefore , the illegal replications of software have overspread in the world 做為人類商品社會中的一種特殊的產品,軟件生產難度大卻復制容易;生產成本高但復制費用低。由此造成世界范圍內軟件的非法復制現象很嚴重,許多人想方設法地復制別人的軟件。

In no countenance was attentive curiosity so strongly marked as in miss bingley s , in spite of the smiles which overspread her face whenever she spoke to one of its objects ; for jealousy had not yet made her desperate , and her attentions to mr . darcy were by no means over 雖然人人都有好奇心,可是誰也不象彬格萊小姐那么露骨,她在她對他們兩人中間隨便哪一個談起話來,還是滿面笑容,這是因為她還沒有嫉妒到不擇手段的地步,也沒有對達西先生完全死心。

Here , in the valley , the world seems to be constructed upon a smaller and more delicate scale ; the fields are mere paddocks , so reduced that from this height their hedgerows appear a network of dark green threads overspreading the paler green of the grass 就在下面的山谷里,世界似乎是按照較小的但是更為精巧的規模建造的田地只是一些圍場,從高處看去,它們縮小了,所以衛面的樹籬就好像是用深綠色的線織成的網,鋪展在淺綠色的草地上。

The thesis is made under the following backgrounds of security state of the network being threatened more and more , that is , overspread of viruses , the hijackers that attack the network frequently , and the overflowing hijacker soft wares 本論文的研究背景是網絡的安全狀況受到越來越多的威脅,病毒蔓延,黑客攻擊日益頻繁,黑客軟件泛濫,這些都嚴重威脅著信息的安全狀況。

The red patches overspread her whole face , and it was evident that she did not understand a word , and was so frightened that terror prevented her from understanding all the subsequent explanations her father offered her , however clear they might be 可見,她什么都不懂得,心里很畏懼,雖然父親的講解清清楚楚,但是這種畏懼心畢竟會妨礙她弄懂父親的進一步的講解。

Noirtier s room was opened , like all the rest . the first thing he saw was the old man sitting in his arm - chair in his usual place , but his eyes expressed alarm , which was confirmed by the pallor which overspread his features 他第一眼看見的是那老人照常坐在他的圈椅里他的眼睛睜得大大的表示著一種內心的恐懼,那種表情從他蒼白的臉色上得到了證實。

A clammy and intensely cold mist , it made its slow way through the air in ripples that visibly followed and overspread one another , as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do 那霧粘乎乎的,冰寒徹骨,緩緩地在空中波浪式地翻滾,一浪一浪,清晰可見,然后宛如污濁的海濤,彼此滲誘,融合成了一片。

A clammy and intensely cold mist , made its slow way through the air in ripples that visibly followed and overspread one another , as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do 那霧粘乎乎的,冰寒徹骨,緩緩地在空中波浪式地翻滾,一浪一浪,清晰可見,然后宛如污濁的海濤,彼此滲誘,融合成了一片。

It is this overspreading pain that deepens into loves and desires , into sufferings and joy in human homes ; and this it is that ever melts and flows in songs through my poet ' s heart 就是這籠壓彌漫的痛苦,加深而成為愛、欲,而成為人間的苦樂;就是它永遠通過詩人的心靈,融化流涌而成為詩歌。

Having scrutinized the house from top to bottom , he rubbed his hands , a broad smile overspread his features , and he said joyfully , this is just what i wanted 路路通把這所住宅仔仔細細地察看一番之后,他情不自禁地搓著雙手,寬寬的臉膛上露出洋洋得意的笑容,于是左一遍右一遍興高采烈地說:

A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features , but he said not a word , and elizabeth , though blaming herself for her own weakness , could not go on 一陣傲慢的陰影罩上了他的臉,可是他一句話也沒有說。伊麗莎白說不下去了,不過她心里卻在埋怨自己軟弱。

But their survival and development face more and more threats and challenges from the rapid overspread of big domestic and foreign retail corporations 但在內外資大型零售企業快速擴張的背景下,其生存和發展受到的威脅與挑戰越來越大。