
overage n.(商品等)過剩;過多;超額。


Trial 2 , effect of supplemental copper of different type on nutrition and specific immunity of mice - ii the grouping of trialt animal was the same as trial 1 , at the first day , second day , third day , one mouse was injected with pha brine fluid for 10mg / kg avoirdupois after weighing in the same time in each repeat , following the 7d , 14d , 21d , 8d feeding period , after weighing , blood was made , wrigh - giemsa coloration , counting the number of lymphocyte female cell and overage lymphocyte , index of immune organ , copper concentration in liver and spleen 試驗二,不同形式銅對小鼠營養與特異性免疫功能的作用-試驗動物分組同試驗一,進入正式試驗期后,在每周第1天、 2天、 3天同一時間每重復選取1只小鼠,稱重后每天按10mg kg體重肌肉注射一次植物血凝素生理鹽水溶液,并于試驗第7天、 14天、 21天、 28天稱重后尾尖取血,姬姆薩-瑞氏染色,計算t淋巴細胞轉化率,計算免疫器官指數,測定肝臟、脾臟銅含量。

Not only motivate the talented person as well as reduce the rate of brain drain , but also make the enterprise avoid the overage cost on human being . make the employee of the enterprise could share in their work production reasonable , meantime not to the extent of made the enterprise less surplus to impact its long - term development these subject all need the enterprise to contain a fair remuneration system . the good remuneration system can draw on , retain the elitist , but the unmerited remuneration system would then bring crisis , moreover to impact the normal business of the enterprise 人才為企業的生產經營活動作出貢獻,企業根據其能力及業績貢獻來付給人才報酬,但是如何界定人才應得的報酬以及人才的勞動力市場價值,并實現企業人力報酬的內部公平與外部公平,既要充分調動人才的工作積極性,降低人才流動率,又要使企業不至于承擔過多的人力成本;使企業的員工能合理分享其工作的成果? ?企業的利潤,同時又不至于使企業因為分享利潤過多自身內容提要粵, , ,巴粵巴里巴里巴里日口口口盈余過少而影響企業的長遠發展。

Traditional vehicle suspension system is passive control system . it is designed for certain special road surface and vehicle riding state , which vibration dampers have fixed damping characteristic . when the road surface and vehicle riding state overage the design conditions , the damping effect of the passive control system will be depressed 傳統的車輛懸架系統是被動懸架系統,是按某種特定的路面狀況和車輛運行狀態進行設計的,其減振器的阻尼特性是不可調的,當路面狀況和車輛運行狀態超出設計條件時,固定阻尼特性的被動懸架系統的減振效果將大為降低。

However , the diversification strategy is a two - blade sword , on the one hand , it can take full advantage of one ' s redundant resources , spread around risks and cut cost ; on the other hand , it may cause management chaos and overage investment 多元化經營一方面可以充分利用企業富余資源、分散經營風險、降低成本,但也可能造成管理混亂、投資過度。企業不管實施何種形式的多元化,培養和壯大核心競爭力都是至關重要的。

The author stressed that one country should combine the conclusion of trade shortage or trade overage based on the gravity model with the comparative advantage and channels of export income to better guide china ' s rta strategy 我國參與區域貿易安排的戰略選擇上,還需要將引力模型得出的貿易不足和貿易過度的結論,與出口比較優勢和出口收益傳導機制有機結合起來。

This chapter have introduced the vital meaning of the lateral and the obstacles for developing the lateral markting . the meaning is to avoid the overage competition and to cooperate with the big companies 介紹了現階段公司對支線市場的開拓存在哪些困難,肯定了發展支線市場的重要意義:避免過度競爭,實現與大公司戰略合作。

In making an inventory of the fixed assets , the net profit or loss incurred in discard and disposal , and also overage , shortage of fixed assets shall be accounted as current profit and loss 在對固定資產的清查盤點中,對于固定資產盤盈,盤虧的凈值,以及報廢清理所發生的凈損失,應當計入當期損益。

Any overage , shortage or out - of - date , deterioration and damage thai need to be scrapped shall be disposed within the year and accounted into current profit or loss 對于發生的盤盈、盤虧以及過時、變質毀損等需要報廢的,應當及時進行處理,計入當期損益。

Standard practice for establishing the full valuation of the loss overage population identified during the inventory of moveable , durable property 可移動和耐久性財產的庫存過程中識別的損失或過剩總數的全面評價的建立的標準實施規程

China ' s service sector has grown at an overage annual rate of 10 . 9 % since the establishment of the reform and opening - up policy in the late 1970s 自20世紀70年代末實行改革開放政策以來,中國服務行業平均每年以10 . 9 %的幅度增長。

Which states that if our overage is greater than the amount in our savings balance , then we need to go ahead and raise a red flag 該行說明,如果我們的overage比儲蓄帳戶的余額數目還要大,那么就需要拋出一個危險信號。

Of course , conditions must be checked to ensure that the savings account in question has enough money in it to make up for the overage 當然,這必須符合一定的條件,即儲蓄帳戶中必須有足夠多的錢來補償透支的金額。

We ll use this calculation to figure out how much extra the overage we are trying to pull out from checking account 我們將使用該算式計算出我們想要從支票帳戶取出的超額( overage )的數目。

Transferring money occurs if the savings account balance is large enough to make up for the overage 如果儲蓄帳戶的余額數目足夠補償超出的數目,這時就會發生轉帳。

10 please note that our insurance overage is for 110 % of the invoice value only 請注意我們的保險范圍只是發票金額的110 % 。

The technical guide for the life assessment of overage units in fossil power plants 火電廠超期服役機組壽命評估技術導則

But men in hong kong , on overage , die 6 years earlier than women 不過,香港男士平均預期壽命卻較女士短6年。

There is an overage in weight of 25 kilos 重量多了25公斤

You ' re a iittle overage to be wearing a iampshade in your hair 那以你的年紀戴那個iampshade太大