
outstation n.設在邊遠地區的分站,邊遠哨所。


The outstation of shenzhen is the software developing department , the main job of it is developing oa series software , website building , and provide solutionabout web and software . the main product of it include : oa , net meeting ( phone ) system , website , applacation software about web , etc 深圳分部主要從事辦公自動化系列軟件開發、網站建設方案策劃,已經開發完成的主要產品有政府城市光遠網絡服務中心(企業)辦公自動化軟件、網絡視頻會議(電話)系統等大型網絡軟件及其系列應用軟件。

With that and based on oan ( optical access network ) , this paper discusses a design of the communication linking between cam and its outstations “ devices . the author then gives a analysis of the real - time performance , expansionary capability and reliability of the de . sign . secondly , the author analyzes the software system “ s designing idea and modules assignment in the sccs 論文從高速公路交通監控系統的結構和其任務特點的分析入手,討論了基于oan (光接入網絡)的通信管理模塊與外場設備通信連接設計,并分析了該設計的實時性、可擴充性和可靠性;其次,分析了監控中心系統中軟件系統的設計思想和模塊劃分,介紹了該軟件系統工作機制和特點。

In july this year , the observatory launched an outstation manager pilot scheme . under this scheme , members of the electronic maintenance team also act as managers of outstations such as radar stations and automatic weather stations 自今年七月開始,天文臺試行外站經理計劃,讓電子維修組的同事當上經理來,負責管理外站如雷達站及自動氣象站等的工作。

To ensure that room temperature was set at 25 . 5 xc in accordance with etwb s requirement , surprise inspections were conducted at the immigration headquarters as well as outstations and similar offices in 2005 - 2006 為確保辦公室的溫度保持在環境運輸及工務局規定的攝氏25 . 5度,本處于二零零五至二零零六年度在總部和外設及同類的辦事處進行突擊檢查。

Significant progress has been made since the late 1970 s with the use of microprocessor technology to telemeter the electrical signals from tipping - bucket gauges at outstations to the observatory headquarters 自一九七零年代后期起,天文臺采用了微處理器科技把翻斗式雨量器產生的信號由外站傳送回天文臺總部。

For the first time , the forum was webcast live to colleagues at outstations and operational offices enabling more colleagues to share the experience 。天文臺更首次在網上直播座談會,讓外駐的同事也可以從中受益。

The outstation manager scheme not only broadens the horizon of our colleagues , but also adds colours to their work . fig . 17 mr w . h 外站經理的計劃,不但擴闊了同事對外的接觸面,還令他們的工作添上了姿彩。

Our headquarters is located at jincheng , shanxi province . it has two outstation : the outstation of beijing and the outstation of shenzhen 中心總部設在山西省晉城市,北京和深圳兩地設有分部。

The outstation of beijing is the marketing department , the main job of it is saling and service 北京分部主要負責市場銷售和售后服務工作。

The first rainfall outstation was set up in 1906 in the police compound at tai po 第一個雨量外站于一九零六年在大埔警署設立。

Outstation manage - a new name and a new mission 外站經理,一個新的名字一項新的任務。