
outrigger n.【航海】(伸出船兩邊支槳用的)叉架;裝有舷外鐵架的劃...


Outrigger - braced structures as a modification of framed - tube structures is widely used in high - rise buildings , for it has a outstanding merit to improve the lateral stiffness , reduce the floor displacement and lessen the moment of the tube . many theories on this aspect have been put forward 在高層、超高層框架?筒體結構中設置水平加強層,是提高結構的抗側剛度,減小結構在水平荷載作用下的樓層位移,降低筒體彎矩的有效手段,在實際工程實踐中得到了廣泛應用。

Based on this theory , the thesis conducts a space dynamic analysis on a framed - tube structure that has different belted outrigger plans . the main contents of the analysis are listed out as below : ( 1 ) on the basis of the fea theory , uses the general fea software ansys to set up a structure model 本文依據此理論,對一框架?筒體結構,按不同的加強層設置方案,進行了空間有限元動力分析,做了以下幾方面的研究: ( 1 )采用大型通用有限元分析軟件ansys ,依據有限元理論,選取合適的單元模擬結構各構件,建立起結構有限元分析模型。

Through the powerful stuucture anslysis ability of ansys , the thesis creats the fea models of carrier frame , outriggers and pins seperately and has them combined . the carrier frame structure “ s intensity is analyzed . nonliner contact analysis is applied to the contact position of carrier frame , outriggers and pins 論文對ansys軟件進行了簡要的介紹,然后充分利用ansys強大的結構分析和接觸分析功能,采用把車架、支腿和銷軸分別建模,再把它們組合在一起的方法,對底架結構進行強度分析,對車架、支腿和銷軸接觸處進行非線性接觸分析。

The computing results of the thesis shows that qtjs 160t railway crane ' s carrier frame has met the intensity requirements . the local stress of the contact position of carrier frame , outriggers and pins is presented . the dangerous positions of the carrier frame are pointed out 論文分析、計算結果表明, qtjs160t鐵路起重機底架結構滿足強度要求,論文給出了車架、支腿和銷軸聯接處的局部應力情況,指出車架在回轉支承圈處存在應力集中部位。

Then , gives suggestions on seismic design of the outrigger - braced structures . ( 4 ) from the results of the seismic analysis , try to probe the rule that how the belted outrigger works to reduce the displacement and improve the lateral stiffness ( 4 )在對結構進行抗震動力分析的基礎上,通過具體詳細的定量分析研究,總結設置加強層對結構內力分配的影響規律,探討水平加強層減小結構側移、提高抗側剛度的機理。

He would be away , in the south seas , building his grass house , trading for pearls and copra , jumping reefs in frail outriggers , catching sharks and bonitas , hunting wild goats among the cliffs of the valley that lay next to the valley of taiohae 他要到南海去,去修建他的草墻房屋,去做珍珠和椰子干生意,會駕駛帶平衡翼的獨木船在礁石間出沒,捕捉鯊魚和鯉魚到泰歐黑山谷附近的峭壁上去打野蘋。

The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 數百年來,太平洋島國斐濟和湯加貿易往來密切,而且血脈相連? ?當年湯加的王子們乘坐小木船一路向西,前往斐濟淘金,而斐濟女人也嫁給了這些湯加貴族。

The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 太平洋群島中的斐濟和湯加由于貿易和血族關系互相依存了幾個世紀:湯加的王子們乘著獨木舟向西駛向斐濟來尋找財富,而斐濟島人為湯加貴族提供配偶。

The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 太平洋群島,斐濟和湯加已經數百年來連接了貿易而且成為剪不斷的關系:湯加王儲一路向西,乘著都木舟去尋找財富,然而斐濟人卻為湯加貴族提供了配偶。

The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 數世紀以來,太平洋群島上的斐濟與湯加通過貿易和血族關系聯系著:湯加王子架著帆船向西航行到斐濟尋找財富,斐濟同時向湯加來的貴族提供配偶。

Exhibits include caribou product of canadian arctic inuit , a large weaving loom from guatemala , ritual dance outfit from papua new guinea , 18 feet long polynesian outrigger dugout canoe and an 19th century wagon from american west 另外,尚包括愛斯基摩人馴鹿骨制品、中美洲原型織布機、廿八?長的印度洋外架獨木舟、帆船及巴布亞新畿內亞的祭神舞衣等多件珍貴獨特展品。

The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 多個世紀來,平靜的斐濟和湯加群島被貿易和血緣相聯系:湯加王子駕著小船向西旅行到斐濟尋找未來的伴侶,斐濟人嫁給了這個貴族。

The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 數百年來太平洋群島上的斐濟與湯加因貿易、血脈而緊緊相連:湯加王子坐支架獨木舟西行,到斐濟尋寶;斐濟人則同湯加貴族聯姻。

If the superstructure is crossways , make sure that the foot section is not lying on the track groups or the outrigger struts of the auxilliary support ( if required , props up the boom to a higher level ) 如果上車為十字交叉型的,則務必確保臂桿根部沒有接觸到履帶組或輔助支承上的支腿壓桿(如夠必要,可把臂桿墊得更高些) 。

It is pointed out that wind vibration comfort control on tall steel structure by using modem control technique and the lateral deflection control on the frame - core wall structure by using outriggers can be realized 指出了現代控制技術對高層鋼結構風振舒適度控制及外伸臂對框架核心筒結構體系水平位移指標控制的實現。

( 3 ) by the means of response spectrum analysis , conducts horizontal seismic analysis to the model . compares the force and displacement of the model under different belted outrigger plans ( 3 )采用振型分解反應譜法對結構進行水平地震動的動力分析,比較和總結了不同加強層設置方案下,結構的位移、內力的地震響應。

( 5 ) put forward advices on locating the optimum position of the belted outrigger . moreover , gives the optimum position , when only one belted outrigger is to be settled ( 5 )提出了實際工程設計中,確定加強層設置位置的建議,并給出了該結構模型設置一道水平加強層的最佳位置,可供相近工程實際參考。

( 2 ) through the modal analysis , compares and sums up the change of the free vibration characters of the model under different belted outrigger plans ( 2 )對結構有限元模型進行模態分析,比較和總結了不同加強層設置方案下,結構自振特性的變化。

The hoisting , derricking and slewing mechanism , the extension and contracting of booms , the setting down and back of outriggers , all are driven hydraulically 該機的起升、變幅、回轉、吊臂伸縮及支腿收放等機構,全部采用液壓驅動。