
outmatch vt.勝過,優于,強過。 be outmatched i...


The returns fetched by the competition of the two currencies , should the two countries choose to compete in monetary field , would undoubtedly be outmatched by the damage caused by it , while the cooperation of the two countries in the monetary field would not only promote the development of the economy of the two countries but also help them realize their aim of getting their currencies asianalized 如果兩國選擇貨幣競爭,競爭所能得到的利益遠遠小于它所帶來的危害;但是如果中日兩國進行貨幣合作,則不僅能促進兩國經濟的發展,而且有助于兩國貨幣亞洲化目標的實現。

Liu bei , as mentioned in romance of the three kingdoms , with his literary talent inferior to chu geliang and military exploits not as good as guan yu and zhang fei , has his particular competence that can not be outmatched 《三國演義》中的劉備,文才不如諸葛亮,武功不如關羽和張飛,但他有一種別人不及的優點,那就是杰出的協調能力。

Makoto encounters the love of his life in the girl called shizuru . however their relationship is of very brief duration as makoto discovers that shizuru s photographic know how outmatches his own 一封從紐約來的情書,寄出者竟然是已逝的戀人,是別有內情,還是愛有回應?

And the best of it is , hareton is damnably fond of me ! you ll own that i ve outmatched hindley there 最妙的是,哈里頓非常喜歡我,你可以承認在這一點上我勝過了辛德雷。

Her passion for winning a point seemed outmatched by an even stronger passion for maintaining her beauty as it was . 一股想永葆她青春之美的強烈欲望似乎壓倒了她每分必爭的熱情。

We were woefully outmatched in numbers in this new mortal weapon of the air . 在飛機這個新的決定性的武器方面,我們在數量上卻處于可悲的落后狀態。