
outcry n.1.喊叫,喧嚷,吆喝,怒號。2.叫賣;拍賣;喊價。短...


Open - outcry trading is supposed to be a quaint outdated practice rapidly being replaced by sleeker cheaper electronic systems 可見,倫敦是能源交易所更好的業務場所。答案為a ,屬推理判斷題。

A number of incidents in recent years have provoked a public outcry agai t media se ationalism and invasion of privacy 近年幾宗事故中,傳媒聳人聽聞的報導手法和侵犯私隱,激起公眾強烈抗議。

The earth has quaked at the noise of their downfall . there is an outcry ! the noise of it has been heard at the red sea 耶49 : 21因他們仆倒的聲音、地就震動人在紅海那里、必聽見呼喊的聲音。

The health program outlined in the article seems very sound to me ; but it has met with considerable public outcry 文章中勾劃出的保健計劃在我聽來似乎很合理,卻遭到很多公眾的責難。

All israel who were around them fled at their outcry , for they said , “ the earth may swallow us up ! 民16 : 34在他們四圍的以色列眾人聽他們呼號、就都逃跑、說、恐怕地也把我們吞下去。

That caused an outcry , so the charges were reduced to second - degree battery , which still carries heavy penalties 這項起訴引發了強烈的抗議,于是減刑至二級毆打,但處罰仍然過重。

At the chicago board of trade , or cbot , futures have always been traded using the open outcry system 在芝加哥期貨交易所,或者cbot ,期貨一直以來都是以公開競價的方式進行交易。

At the chicago board of trade , or cbot , futures have always been traded using the open outcry system 在芝加哥交易所,或者cbot ,期貨的交易一直采用公開的大聲喊叫的方式。

At the shout , “ babylon has been seized ! “ the earth is shaken , and an outcry is heard among the nations 耶50 : 46因巴比倫被取的聲音、地就震動、人在列邦都聽見呼喊的聲音。

The sound of an outcry from babylon , and of great destruction from the land of the chaldeans 耶51 : 54有哀號的聲音、從巴比倫出來有大毀滅的響聲、從迦勒底人之地發出。

At the chicago board of trade , or cbot , futures have always been traded using the open outcry system 在芝加哥期貨交易所,或稱cbot ,期貨買賣以大聲呼叫的方式進行。

The outcry that followed persuaded the swiss bank to scale back its private - equity operations 在隨后到來的公開反對的聲浪中,瑞士信貸將手縮回了自己的投資項目上。

And the lord said , “ the outcry of sodom and gomorrah is indeed great , and their sin is exceedingly grave 創18 : 20耶和華說、所多瑪和蛾摩拉的罪惡甚重、聲聞于我。

At the chicago board of trade , or cbot , futures have always been traded using the open outcry system 在芝加哥交易所,簡稱cbot ,期貨長期以來使用公開喊叫系統。

The government ' s response to the outcry has been as predictable as the scientists ' call for more money 對于科學家要求增加投入的呼聲,政府的回應正如同預期。

Open outcry market ( ring trading ) - this market is attended by representatives of the lme ring dealing firms 現場叫價交易:由各會員公司的代表之間進行交易

Baka : you make no outcry , joshua , but you will ; you will cry for the mercy of death 貝卡:你沒有喊叫,喬書亞,不過你會的,你會哭著求我讓你快死。

Then there was a great outcry from the people and their wives against their countrymen the jews 百姓和他們的妻大大呼號,埋怨他們的弟兄猶大人。

There was a public outcry when the mavericks lost point guard steve nash to the phoenix suns 當控衛納什離開小牛投奔太陽的時候,公眾一片嘩然。