
outcrossing n.【生物學】異型雜交。


Note : 1 ) p = prefectural ; n = national . 2 ) hc = high combining ability ; sr = strong restoring ability ; gq = good quality ; rb = resistant to biast ; psr = persistent resistance of blast ; ct = cold tolerance ; hoc = high outcrossing rate ; hsy = high and stable yield ; wa = wide abaptability ; geq = good eating quality ; bp = big panicle ; hy = high yield ; mrb = moderate resistance of blast 武陵山區國家水稻品種區試有必要加快分熟組的步伐,同時建立專門的抗(耐)寒性鑒定基地,以期篩選出適應性更廣,安全性更好的強優新組合。

Second , the population genetic structure and genetic diversity of e . mollis were studied by using allozyme eletrophoresis and the electrophoretic data for 6 loci from 3 populations being xiangning , yicheng and pinglu populations in shanxi were got . the level of polymorphism was relatively higher than that of the insect - pollinated outcrossing species ( he = 0 . 375 ) 用等位酶電泳法和biosys - 2軟件對山西翅果油樹種群的遺傳結構和遺傳多樣性進行了研究,通過對3個種群的6個等位酶位點的電泳分析,結果表明: 5個位點為多態位點, 1個單態位點。

The different locus outcrossing rate of adiantum reniforme l . var sinese y . x . lin has great change in the same population , and the outcrossing rate difference of the same enzyme locus is also high in the different population 荷葉鐵線蕨不同位點的異交率在同一居群內的變化很大,而不同居群間的同一酶位點的異交率差異也是較大的。

I wanted to find a way to break the cycle and began to look at experimenting with outcrossing to a new bloodline to give our domestic gene pool a chance to refresh itself 我想要找一種打破這種循環的方法,我開始著眼于通過異型雜交而產生一種新的血統的實驗,從而給我們這個大家庭的基因庫一次更新它們自己的機會。

Try not to breed father / daughter , mother / son , and full brother / sister , but outcrossing half - brothers and sisters well can produce some of the healthiest and best offspring 盡量不要采用父/女、母/子和同窩兄妹的搭配,但是異父/母兄妹的搭配可以生出一些最健康而且品質也最好的后代。

Sinense y . x . lin is a mixed mating system and the intergametophzyme outcrossing among perhaps plays a main role 這說明荷葉鐵線蕨種群可能是以配子體間異交為主的混合交配體系。

Haloxylon ammodendron is long - life perennial tree , pollination by wind , outcrossing and widely - spred species , founder species 可見,生態位較大物種,其遺傳多樣性也較高。

An allele can not be “ watered down ” by outcrossing 一個基因等位體不會由于與異體通婚而被稀釋。