
outcrop n.【地質學;地理學】(巖層等的)露頭;露出地面的巖層。


We conclude the reservoir is of complex pore - cave - fracture type . 5 . the karst reservoir is studied by paleography , leaching time , hydrological regime , lithofaces - paleography , combined with outcrops and drilling data , the karst reservoir model is established 8 、本區巖溶儲層的空間分布呈帶狀,非均質性強,并受水動力帶、巖性、沉積相、構造、風化剝蝕持續時間和古地形的影響。

Dumbell - shaped cheung chau long island is a tiny outcrop of just two headlands separated by a narrow spit , with a natural harbour and twin beaches uniquely favoured for either morning or afternoon - dictated by the rising or setting sun 長洲長洲的外形獨特,仿如一個頭尾粗大中間幼細的啞鈴。這個獨特的島形,給它帶來了一個優良的天然海港,以及兩個一早一晚潮退潮漲的海灘。

The rover was to use its rock abrasion tool sunday to grind away at a martian outcropping dubbed “ flat rock , “ but the tool left “ no discernible impression on the rock , “ nasa ' s jet propulsion laboratory reported 火星車計劃周日用其巖石削磨工具來切割一塊被稱為“平石”的露出地面的火星巖石,但據美國宇航局噴氣推進實驗室的報告稱,該工具“在巖石上沒有留下明顯的痕跡” 。

In this paper , on the basis of detailed outcrop and core observation , as well as the logging and seismic data , the high resolution sequence stratigraphy method has been applied to the west sichuan jurassic strata systematically 本文在詳細的野外露頭、巖芯觀察的基礎上,結合測井和地震剖面資料,對川西侏羅系地層進行了較為系統的高分辨率層序地層學研究。

We circled the top of the hill where the drill rig was turning and most of the work had been done and then flew halfway down the hill so we could see visually where the outcrop from the top of the hill continued down the hill 我們繞著山頂飛行,山頂上,鉆機在轉,鉆探工作已完成過半,然后我們往下飛,在半山腰我們可以看見露出地面的巖層從山頂綿延而下。

Based on the analyses of outcrops , core , log data , agrochemical information , etc . which can be recognized as delta sedimentary system in zibei oilfield , each sedimentary systematic characteristic and their genetic is analyzed carefully 在沉積體系分析的基礎上,考慮到地質作用過程中的全球性、旋回性、可對比性及砂體預測的實用性等方面。

Based on the new structural framework and the overlap relationships in every continuous outcrop , the new stratigraphic sequence of the yanbian group is put forward , which deeply changes the rock composition of every formation 根據新的區域構造格架和野外連續露頭的疊覆關系,重新厘定了鹽邊群碎屑巖的地層序列以及各碎屑組的內含。

The ophiolite melange can be connected with tongchangjie ophiolite melange further north in mengyong area continuous outcrop of the ophiolite melange is more than 100km in length , and range from 0 . 2 to 2km in width 連續的出露長度超過100km ,寬度2 ? 0 . 2km不等。在牛井山以南可能是由于后期構造的改造而被深埋地下。

Within massive sandstone outcrops , above comparatively dense forest , are five clusters of natural rock shelters , displaying paintings that appear to date from the mesolithic period right through to the historical period 在密林中大量沙石巖中,有五組天然石窟,里面巖畫的歷史從中石器時代一直延續到文明歷史時代。

The meandering waterways of mangrove reveal stunning limestone outcrops sculptured with sheer cliffs , caves , stalactites and dense vegetation which resemble the shapes of pekinese dog and elephant 在攀牙灣紅樹林蜿蜒河流的水路顯露著許多奇形怪狀石灰石峭壁,洞穴,有像被雕刻成小狗和大象形狀的鐘乳石和密集的植被。

The plane ' s captain decided to leave the man at porto santo , a volcanic outcrop in the atlantic , after he became abusive when he was refused more alcohol , the daily mail said 在機組方面拒絕向其提供更多的酒水后,這名乘客開始大肆辱罵相關人員,于是機長便決定將此人“丟棄“到大西洋上一個名叫圣波爾圖的小島上。

A falkland islands fur seal perches on a rock outcrop off new island , where seafood - rich waters nourish a wildlife population diverse in nature and often astonishing in number 圖中一頭福克蘭島海狗正棲息在新島外的一塊礁石上,這片海產豐富的水域滋養了種類繁多的野生動物群體,有些的數量非常驚人。

Falkland islands fur seal perches on a rock outcrop off new island , where seafood - rich waters nourish a wildlife population diverse in nature and often astonishing in number 圖中一頭福克蘭島海狗正棲息在新島外的一塊礁石上,這片海產豐富的水域滋養了種類繁多的野生動物群體,有些的數量非常驚人。

Quantitative calculation of trace element content for the residue after partial melting suggests that intermediate - mafic granulites outcropped in the dabie orogen are not the residue of partial melting 殘留相微量元素定量計算結果表明,大別山現今出露的中基性麻粒巖不是部分熔融后形成的殘留體。

Curvature analysis is one method that predicts high permeability region of coal reservoir by use of coal bed structure curvature , combined with the fracture and cleat developed degree of outcrops 曲率分析是應用煤層構造曲率的大小,結合實際露頭的裂隙、割理發育情況進行煤儲層高滲區預測。

The integration of well logs , outcrops and tectonic data shows that the youjiang basin underwent several stages of palaeokarstification during the late palaeozoic 摘要鉆井、露頭和區域構造資料的分析結果表明,晚古生代的右江盆地存在多期次的巖溶作用,通常具有1 ~ 3個巖溶旋回。

No reason to see these fat head and large ears something not pleasing to the eye , pain - like , as long as they see the outcrop , sons with a hammer on it , the mouse control 沒什么理由,看這些肥頭大耳的小豬不順眼,痛扁就好了,只要看到他們露頭,就用榔頭伺候吧,鼠標控制。

Along the hundreds of kilometers of waterways my field assistant and i surveyed in colombia , peru and brazil , we encountered only a few dozen sizable outcrops 盡管我和我的田野助理,在哥倫比亞、秘魯和巴西等國跋涉了數百公里的水道,但是僅找到少數幾個夠大的露頭。

The land is mainly flat with gentle undulations , occasional rocky outcrops and the largest inland delta , okavango delta , which has been declared a world heritage site 全境地勢平緩,起伏不大,偶見?巖丘陵,最大的內陸三角洲- -奧卡萬戈三角洲被列為世界遺產。