
nux n.〔美俚〕茶。

nux vomica

In chapter 5 a unified strategy for application - defined scheduling is presented based on the analysis of the schedule method adopted by red - li nux 第五章在借鑒red - linux采用的調度思想的基礎上提出一種面向應用的統一調度的策略框架。

Effects of the expansive method in the hyperthermal and high - pressure condition on total alkaloid in nux vomica and study on its acute toxicity test 爆壓法對馬錢子總生物堿的影響及急性毒性試驗研究

Empirical study on bacteriostic effect of extract of nux vomica mixed with golden thread 馬錢子及黃連混合提取物抑菌作用的實驗研究