
nut n.1.堅果〔核桃、榛、栗等的果實〕堅果果仁。2.難事,...

nut butter

With pleasure . these cakes contain apples , peas , nuts , and those coconuts , oranges and pineapples . 很好。這三塊是蘋果的,豆沙的,果仁的,那三塊是椰子的,橙子的和菠蘿的。

In the greek candy-store was the whine of a peanut-roaster, and the oil smell of nuts . 從那家希臘人開的糖果店里,傳來了嗶哩啪啦油炸花生的聲音,散發著油炸花生的香味。

After a search, he finds a loose nut where the connecting wire fails to bind . 經過細心的察看,終于發現有個地方松了只螺帽,制動細絲脫開了。

The endosperm of the nut owes its marked degree of astringency to the tannins it contains . 堅果的胚乳由于存在丹寧,所以有顯著的澀味。

With a wrench he loosens the nuts which fuse the fuel line between tank and engine . 他用鉗子扭松了接連油箱與發動機的油管上的螺釘帽。

Fine adjustments can be made by further tightening one of the screws or nut . 可以用進一步旋緊兩個螺釘或螺母中的一個來達到精調。

Vegetative propagation of nuts has been successfully practised for over 2, 000 years . 堅果的無性繁殖已被成功地應用了2000多年。

If a picture got out of hand like that those guys up there would go nuts . 要是一部電影這樣放肆,那些家伙準會發起狂來。

If a film got out of hand like that, those guys up there would go nuts . 要是一部電影這樣放肆,那些家伙準會發起狂來。

She is a tough nut to crack ; i do not think she will give us permission . 她這個人不好說話,我想她不會答應我們的。

You're nuts ! 你瘋了!

If grooves are cut in the flank of nut hydrostatic action is possible . 如在螺母螺紋側面切槽,則可實現靜壓作用。

This is why she looked so radiant at the nut dinner . 這就是她為何在全國教師工會的宴會上顯得如此精神煥發的原因。

An athenian saw aesop in a crowd of boys at play with nuts . 一個雅典人看到伊索和一群孩子一起用堅果玩游戲。

And so with solids such as a shell , a nut , a plum . 對于固體也是如此,例如一個貝殼,一個核桃,一個李子。

This guy's a nut and you'd better get ready for rainy days . 這個家伙是一個難對付的人,你最好是未雨綢繆。

The nut lobbied their mps and held a half-day strike . 全國教師工會暗中疏通了議員,并進行了半天罷教。

She eats nothing but nuts : she must have a screw loose ! 她這個人除了干果,什么都不吃,準是有毛病。

I was a safety nut . 我是一位安全迷。