
nuptial adj.1.結婚的,婚姻的;婚禮的。2.【動物;動物學】...

nuptial plumage

Can offer some expert advice . from buying and furnishing your new home to organising a sumptuous wedding banquet , or getting ready for the pre - nuptial check - up and booking your honeymoon holiday , you ll find a wealth of information and services in this e - community specially designed for bride - and groom - to - be 為增加市民對公共電子服務的認知程度, esd services limited將展開連串大規模教育公眾市民的工作,主題曲“將生活留給自己“的推出,正好標志著宣傳及教育工作正式展開。

And although the entertainment was fixed for twelve o clock , an hour previous to that time the balcony was filled with impatient and expectant guests , consisting of the favored part of the crew of the pharaon , and other personal friends of the bride - groom , the whole of whom had arrayed themselves in their choicest costumes , in order to do greater honor to the occasion . various rumors were afloat to the effect that the owners of the pharaon had promised to attend the nuptial feast ; but all seemed unanimous in doubting that an act of such rare and exceeding condescension could possibly be intended 但在這之前的一小時,走廊上便早已擠滿了性急的前來賀喜的客人,他們有些是法老號上同唐太斯要好的船員,有些是他的私人朋友,全都穿著最漂亮的衣服,給這個愉快的日子增光不少,大家都在紛紛議論,法老號的船主要來參加婚宴,但大家又似乎都不相信唐太斯能有這么大的面子。

Senhor enrique flor presided at the organ with his wellknown ability and , in addition to the prescribed numbers of the nuptial mass , played a new and striking arrangement of woodman , spare that tree at the conclusion of the service . on leaving the church of saint fiacre in horto after the papal blessing the happy pair were subjected to a playful crossfire of hazelnuts , beechmast , bayleaves , catkins of willow , ivytod , hollyberries , mistletoe sprigs and quicken shoots 接受了教皇的祝福417 ,臨離開庭園內的圣菲亞克418教堂時,人們開玩笑地將榛子?子月桂葉柳絮繁茂的常春藤葉冬青果?寄生小枝和花揪的嫩條像密集的炮火一般撒在這對幸福的新人身上。

Now he s giving potential father - of - the - bride jerry a serious case of pre - nuptial jitters . steve s dramatic entrances and exits , his cryptic references to a russian runaway named olga and his fight with a gunman in a restaurant washroom causes jerry to see a vision of his daughter s perfectly planned wedding blowing up in his face 首次見面,見謝利便看見杜史迪跟黑幫分子打斗,他因此下決心,絕不能讓唯一的女兒嫁入如此夫家,誰知他不知何時已卷入了杜史迪的驚天大計劃中。

The 24 - hour hearty hotline offers access to clinical psychologists , counsellors and social workers to help callers deal with stress and emotional problems . it also offers counselling on pre - nuptial and marital issues , parenting , family and pre - retirement preparations . the hotline can also schedule personal appointments if necessary 傾心熱線主要提供預防性的心理健康服務,全天候24小時運作,由臨床心理學家輔導員及注冊社工擔任聆聽者,協助員工及其家人處理壓力和情緒婚前及婚姻輔導子女教導家人相處退休前準備等,有需要的話亦可安排面談。

The chongqing miya art photography limited company had been established in 2004 , is young , the fashion modern photography art specialized work room , mainly provides inside and outside the room the nuptial dress photography , individual artistic photography , each kind of form photography and the video and music material manufacture service 重慶米亞藝術攝影有限公司成立于2004年,是一家年青時尚化的現代攝影藝術專業工作室,主要提供室內外婚紗攝影、個人藝術攝影、各種形式的拍攝及影音資料制作業務。

“ it ' s one of the things vegas is known for you can gamble get drunk and get married all in the middle of the night “ said jay deleon manager of the graceland wedding chapel 5 where elvis 6 impersonators 7 make special nuptial 8 appearances “這是拉斯維加斯之所以著名的特色之一你可以在半夜賭博,豪飲以及結婚, ” “幽雅之地”結婚禮堂的經理杰伊。德利恩說。在這個禮堂舉行的婚禮上會有扮作貓王的特型演員露面助興。

“ it ' s one of the things vegas is known for - you can gamble , get drunk and get married all in the middle of the night , “ said jay deleon , manager of the graceland wedding chapel - where elvis impersonators make special nuptial appearances “這是拉斯維加斯之所以著名的特色之一你可以在半夜賭博,豪飲以及結婚, ” “幽雅之地”結婚禮堂的經理杰伊.德利恩說。在這個禮堂舉行的婚禮上會有扮作貓王的特型演員露面助興。

Books of etiquette advised unmarried ladies not to dance the waltz , either in public or in private , because ( as the romantic poet , byron , put it ) the lewd grasp and lawless contact warm would not leave much mystery for the nuptial night 有關禮儀的書籍忠告未婚女子,無論公開或私下,都不要跳華爾茲舞,因為(正如浪漫主義詩人拜倫所寫) “猥褻的摟抱和放蕩的接觸帶來的溫情” ,將不會給新婚之夜留下多少神秘。

In the trilogy , if blood wedding is a nuptial tragedy , and yerma is the tragedy of barren women , the house of bernarda alba can be seen as the tragedy of virginity , of spanish country girls who will never have the opportunity to choose a husband 三部曲中《血婚》以婚姻悲劇為主題, 《葉瑪》描述不孕女性的悲劇,而《貝納達之家》則是處女的悲劇,是西班牙農村女子不得選擇丈夫的悲劇。

In one of the aristocratic mansions built by puget in the rue du grand cours opposite the medusa fountain , a second marriage feast was being celebrated , almost at the same hour with the nuptial repast given by dant s 差不多就在唐太斯舉行婚宴的同一個時間里,大法院路上墨杜薩噴泉對面的一座宏大的貴族式的巨宅里,也正有人在設宴請吃訂婚酒。

Above the couple ' s heads , the candle that has been left burning in broad daylight on one of the branches of an ornate copper chandelier can be interpreted as the nuptial flame , or as the eye of god 在兩人頭頂上方,朗朗白日之下卻留有一根點燃的蠟燭,華麗銅制吊燈上的這根燃蠟也許能解釋為婚禮的光芒,或者是代表上帝的眼睛。

A post - nuptial explanation , which might be accepted with a light heart by a rougher man , might not be received with the same feeling by him . but this communication brought no reply from mrs durbeyfield 要是婚后再給以解釋,這對于一個不太在乎的人來說也許就用輕松的心情接受了,但是對他來說也許就不能用同樣的心情接受了。

The stature not high bride may choose the skirt to suspend the not too long small awning skirt , either chooses and the full alveolus assumes the a character tailor the straight body nuptial dress 太長太蓬的裙擺,會令新娘顯得個子很矮。個子不高的新娘可以挑選裙擺不太長的小篷裙,要么就選及足踝呈

Thousands of people in thailand came to the wedding party wednesday , but the nuptial bliss belonged to a pair of animals : the country ' s only two resident giant pandas 數千名泰國人11月9日專程前往位于該國北部的清邁動物園參加一場特殊的婚禮。婚禮的主角是生活在那里的兩只大熊貓。

What is the greatest in number and best in composition in the classic of poetry are the songs of love affairs and lovesickness between man and woman and the poems on family and nuptial life 寫男女之間戀愛相思的情歌和家庭婚姻生活的詩篇,在《詩經》中占的數量最多,寫得也最好。

Minutes after the ceremony , she decides she wants a divorce , leaving the golfer to wonder about his $ 3 million guarantee in the pre - nuptial agreement 結婚儀式結束后幾分鐘,達林就想離婚了,那名高爾夫球選手自然開始惦記起她在婚前協議中承諾的約300萬美元的補償金。

When the bridegroom accompanies the bride marches into the nuptial chamber , the bride intentionally tumbles , breaks the egg , can give birth the children by this symbol 當新郎陪新娘步入洞房時,新娘故意跌倒,把雞蛋碰破,以此象征能生育兒女。

Not until the nuptial night did i find that the usually cool , i was scared , because he was versatile with much experience 新婚之夜,我才發現,平常很酷、不愛說話的先生,竟是個“色情狂” 。