
nunciature n.1.羅馬教皇使節的職位[任期]。2.羅馬教皇使團。


He later taught theology at urbanian university in rome and published several theological tracts . after graduating in 1972 from the pontifical ecclesiastical academy , the vatican s school for diplomats , he worked for three years as an official in the holy see s nunciature in brazil 其實,我們都明白也相信,我們的救主耶穌基督曾經宣示:我就是復活,就是生命;信從我的,即使死了,仍要活著;凡活著而信從我的人,必永遠不死(若11 : 25 , 26 ) 。

But it was not until 1500 that a permanent nunciature , or diplomatic service , was established , in venice 但是直到1500年,一個永久的教皇使職,或者說是駐外部門,才在威尼斯設立。