
numismatics n.〔作單數用〕錢幣學,古錢學;徽章學。


Robert lam s numismatics and philately exhibitions were literally “ door crashers “ within two months of our opening , we had to replace two of our glass doors broken by the crowd . while in traditional fisheries and farming displays , it was really encouraging to see older visitors who had experience in fishing or farming explain to their children how to operate the fishing junks or cultivate rice fields . observing the visitors response , i was deeply aware that a museum s success depended on its ability to reflect the life and experience of the audience , and i also fully realized how inadequate the museum facilities were at that moment 林秉輝最擅長的錢幣及郵票展覽固然哄動爆場(在開館兩個月內我們便要換掉兩扇被人群擠爆的玻璃門) ,而在傳統漁業及農業展覽中,看到年較長的觀眾自行向子女們講解他們以前怎樣從使漁業或農耕,深深地感受到反映生活、讓觀眾投入才是博物館成功的要訣。

Up to forty years ago , this date was virtually unknown amongst collectors in the colony but since that time , and with increasing interest now being shown in numismatics by more and more people , a few tenths specimens have come to light 四十年前,本港的集幣家還未發現這一年的硬幣,但從那時起,對錢幣學有興趣的人越來越多,數十枚這種硬幣的樣本也隨之被發現。

As an emerging subject , the subject of numismatics need to be perfected in its theory and method , and the definition between meaning of object and aim of it still be a confusion sometimes 摘要錢幣學作為一門新興的學科門類,其學科理論、研究方法還有待進一步完善,研究本體及研究目標內涵的界定還多有含混。

Subject of numismatics study in patterns of money from each danasty of china , quest for the evolving rules and explore the economical state of acient society 錢幣學是研究中國歷代貨幣形態,探索錢幣演變規律,探討古代社會經濟發展狀況的學科。

Collection includes prehistory , stone sculpture , numismatics , textile , and ceramics 收藏史前史、石頭雕刻品、古錢幣、織品和陶制品。

Numismatics exhibition in taipei 古今錢幣展鈔好看