
novel adj.新的,新穎的;新奇的,珍奇的,異常的。 a no...


The novel is blemished by those long descriptions . 那些冗長的描寫使小說大為減色。

I think it is a bum novel . 我認為那是一本蹩腳的小說。

Local colour lends peculiar interest to the novel . 地方色彩給這部小說增加了興味。

Local colour adds peculiar interest to the novel .. 地方色彩給這部小說增加了興味。

Reading novel is a real delight . 看小說真是一件快事。

When is her new novel coming out ? 她的新小說何時問世?

A storm of criticism was raised by his new novel . 他的小說招致了極其激烈的批評。

The novel breathes despair . 這部小說表現出絕望的情緒。

The critics found her latest novel rather thin . 評論家認為她最近的小說相當空洞。

This novel has 120 chapters . 這部小說共一百二十回。

The novel is a surefire eyepopper . 這小說定能令人驚奇。

He began to go about this novel . 他開始著手于這部小說。

Her latest novel is not a patch on her others . 她這部新小說比以前所寫的差得遠。

The fame of d.h lawrence rests mainly on his novels . DH勞倫斯主要以小說著名。

His novels are very second-rate . 他寫的小說很不怎么樣。

The novel has tremendous power . 這部小說具有極大的力量。

Her novels are well written and commercial as well . 她的小說寫得好,銷路也廣。

Even so, it remains an effective novel . 即使如此,它依然不失為一部有力的小說。

Dickens' novels have enriched english literature . 狄更斯的小說豐富了英國文學。