
notice n.1.注意;認識。2.情報,消息;通知,預告,警告;(...

notice board

If you slip in now, nobody will notice you . 你不聲不響地走進去,沒有人會注意你的。

The eager weaver did not notice my confusion . 熱心的紡織工人沒有注意到我的狼狽相。

They noticed a crowd of people shouting and cheering . 他們看到一大群人在喊叫歡呼。

He is sitting up and taking notice . 他忽然感到興趣。

Hearn was fumbling now, he had noticed that in him . 他看出了侯恩是在那里冥思苦想。

He had noticed her contracted shape and her eyes . 他注意她那消沉的樣子和她的眼神。

It was susan who brought the problem to our notice . 是蘇珊使我們注意到那個問題的。

At last the mail clerk noticed the letters . 后來收發員的眼光終于落到了這一堆信上。

I felt honored by his notice . 對他的垂青我感到榮幸。

She fenced well, as he had noticed before . 正如他以前觀察到的那樣,她很善于周旋。

I suppose you noticed my gun-case by the door . 您是注意到了我放在門口的槍套了吧。

He gave her a month 's notice . 他通知她一個月內離職。

You may notice that americans are in constant motion . 你會注意到美國人時常走動。

No one noticed the boy as he crept off . 當他爬出來時,誰也沒有注意到這個小男孩。

You will be honoured with some portion of her notice . 你會很榮幸地受到她的注目。

We noticed a look of vacancy on his face . 我們覺查到他臉上有一種茫然若失的神情。

Did you notice the gentleman who has just gone ? 你注意到剛才離開的那位先生了嗎?

You attracted my notice during our rounds . 在我們一起視察時,您引起了我的注意。

Maria took no notice of her now . 瑪麗婭現在不在乎她了。