
notability n.1.值得注意的[顯著的]性質;顯要人物;名人;〔罕用...


After years of hard work , the company has actually passed the initial stage of growth and is developing towards the stage of standardization from the stage of concentration the company ' s objective has also changed from existence and growth to the increase of market shares , the expansion of notability and stable development 經過幾年的艱苦奮斗,公司實際上已經度過了創業階段,正在從聚合階段走向規范化階段。公司的目標也從生存、成長向擴大市場、擴大聲望、穩定發展轉變,相應的集權程度也應該由個人集權向有控制的分權轉變。

The results show that wavelength locates in gain zone of semiconductor optical amplifier , and have higher peak power and proper time delay between the two pulses for the second order super gauss control pulse in semiconductor optical amplifier . a high quality amplified signal pulse can be achieved . the chirp can be reduced notability by using cascading soa in cross gain modulation based on soa , and the distance and the peak power of conversion optical pulse can be increased notability , and we can let down the demand for wavelength based on xgm in soa and enhance the flexibility of wavelength conversion 我們應用二階超高斯光脈沖與高斯信號脈沖同時注入soa和應用soa與非線性光學環鏡( nolm )相結合的方案來對信號脈沖進行壓縮整形,模擬顯示,在調節系統合適參數的情況下,波長位于soa增益區的二階超高斯控制光脈沖在具有較高的峰值功率和適當時延下輸入soa時,最后可以得到放大的高質量超短信號光脈沖;在基于soa的交叉增益調制( xgm )全光波長轉換中,采用級聯的soa能有效地使反轉光脈沖的頻率啁啾得到有效降低,波長向下轉換的距離和反轉光的峰值能量都得到明顯提高,降低了利用交叉增益調制( xgm )波長轉換中對波長精度的要求,從而提高了波長轉換的靈和性。

Multiuser detection make the most of all user signal information working multiple access interference on the base of tradition detection technique . so it has good anti - jamming capability , can solve far and near effect problem , reduce demand for power control precision , notability advance capability of whole system 多用戶檢測技術在傳統檢測技術的基礎上,充分利用造成多址干擾的所有用戶信號信息對單個用戶的信號進行檢測,從而具有很好的抗干擾性能,同時也解決了遠近效應問題,降低了系統對功率控制精度的要求,顯著提高了整個系統容量。

The dry / wet changes of surrounding area of bohai sea during past 500 years are divided into 7 stages , based on dry / wet indexes ( d / w ) of this area from 1470 to 1985 then , the changes of dry / wet spatial types ( d / wst ) and its related dry / wet regional different iation ( d / wrd ) features among different stages are analyzed . the results show that there are 4 main kinds of d / wst in this area , whose notability and spatial distribution features in different stages are apparently different , which reflects , very well , the changing process of the d / wrd of this region in past500 years . further analysis also presents that , in warmer period , the d / wst and the d / wrd patterns are relatively unsteady , meanwhile , the dry / wet changing difference among different parts of the region is relatively great , but , in colder period , it is just on the contrary . however , in the most severely cold period of the little ice age , t he area ' s d / wst and the d / wrd pattern sareveryu nsteady , and its d / wrd extenti salsot he high estin the whole past 500 years 用研究區1470 1985年的旱澇等級資料,劃分了該地區500年來旱澇變化的7個階段,討論了不同階段間旱澇型的變化及其旱澇區域分異意義,結果表明, 500年來研究區有4類主要旱澇型,各型旱澇在不同階段的重要程度及場型特征均有較大差異,深刻反映了該地區500年來旱澇區域分異特征的變化,通過對500年來旱澇變化與溫度變化的對比發現,較溫暖期,研究區的旱澇型及旱澇區域分異格局較多變,旱澇變化的區域差異性較大,較寒冷期,旱澇型及區域分異格局較穩定,旱澇變化的區域差異性較小,而在小冰期最寒冷階段,旱澇型及旱澇區域分異格局的變動十分頻繁,旱澇變化的區域差異性亦最大

Further , correlation analysis is used to the summer rainfall and four seasonal north pacific ssta , the results suggest north pacific ssta which notability cause the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern china are prophase winter ssta of kuroshio region of northwestern pacific , prophase spring ssta of middle and eastern equatorial pacific and summer ssta of west wind drift region 進一步對上述東部夏季降水異常區夏季降水與春夏秋冬太平洋海溫異常作相關分析,表明對中國東部夏季降水有顯著影響是:西北太平洋黑潮海區前期冬季海溫異常、赤道中東太平洋前期春季海溫異常、中高緯太平洋西風漂流區同期夏季海溫異常。

Based on the theoretic frame of asc , the paper carries out the integrated design of logistics system for engineering machinery enterprises transversely and longitudinally , and provides lots of new ways in the fields of organizing plan , layout of working units , management of standard parts , mass custom , supplier management , etc . combining with the inland notability manufactory enterprise - - sy company , real analysis is laid out and the benefit and shortage are also put forward 本文在敏捷供需鏈理論框架下,對工程制造企業物流系統進行了橫向和縱向一體化設計,提供了組織設計、生產單元布局、標準件管理、定制服務、供應商管理等方面的一些新思路,并結合國內著名的工程機械制造企業? ? sy公司進行了實證分析,給出了設計系統應用中的效益和不足。

Investigation management lays more stress on investigating how the library is evaluated concerning its notability and reputation . the social benefits assessment of the assessment classification goes further to measure the social benefits of a library ( a cultural establishment ) by means of “ cost - benefit analysis “ , and in terms of a fixed amount of money . feedback management , based on intercommunication , is fiirther emphasized , i . e . the library needs preceding feedback and synchro - feedback as well as work summary feedback so as to inform tho 調查管理更注重公眾對圖書館知名度和美譽度評價的調查;評估分類中的社會效益評估更將圖書館這種文化單位的社會效益用“費用?效益分析”方法,以一定貨幣量來衡量;反饋管理是筆者在雙向交流的基礎上進一步強調的,圖書館不僅要反饋工作總結,而且要做到前期反饋和同期反饋,以及時反饋各類信息給相關人員。

The quality of buffer layer and thin films was analyzed by afm , xrd , rheed and xps respectively . the effect of the experimental parameters such as carbonization time , working pressure , c source gas flow rate , carbonization temperature , different carbonization gas and substrate on the carbonization process was studied firstly . it was observed that the size of particles was increased with the increase of carbonization time and the rms was opposite , but the trend was reduced while the carbonization time was long enough ; the size of particles was increased with the increase of working pressure too , and choosing a proper working pressure could get a smooth surface ; the size of particles was unobviously changed while the gas flow rate was low , but it was notability increased with the increase of gas flow rate while the gas flow rate was high enough , and a smooth surface could be also obtained by choosing a proper gas flow rate ; with the increase of carbonization temperature , the size of particles was increased , the rms is decreased and a good single - crystalline carbonization layer could be obtained , but a rough surface was formed at a excessive high temperature ; the rms of 對于碳化工藝,側重研究了碳化時間、反應室氣壓、 c源氣體的流量、碳化溫度以及不同種類的c源氣體、基片取向等因素對碳化層質量的影響,研究結果表明:隨著碳化時間的增長,碳化層的晶粒尺寸隨之變大,表面粗糙度隨之降低,但當碳化到一定時間之后,碳化反應減緩,碳化層的晶粒尺寸以及表面粗糙度的變化幅度變小;碳化層的晶粒尺寸隨反應室氣壓的升高而變大,適中的反應室氣壓可得到表面比較平整的碳化層;在c源氣體的流量相對較小時,碳化層的晶粒尺寸隨氣體流量的變化不明顯,但當氣體流量增大到一定程度時,碳化層的晶粒尺寸隨氣體流量的增大而明顯變大,同時,適中的氣體流量得到的碳化層表面粗糙度較低;碳化溫度較低時,碳化層的晶粒取向不明顯,隨著碳化溫度的升高,碳化層的晶粒尺寸明顯變大,且有微弱的單晶取向出現,但取向較差,同時,適中的碳化溫度可得到表面平整的碳化層;相比于c _ 2h _ 2 ,以ch _ 4作為c源氣體時得到的碳化層表面平整得多;比起si ( 100 ) ,選用si ( 111 )作為基片生長的碳化層的晶粒取向一致性明顯更好。

The reason why the return to investment fund is not better than to the average of the market is : the competition of investment funds is severity ; the invest idea and style is multiplicity ; the capability of selecting the opportunity of security market is not notability and the ability of stock selecting emphasize the risk decentralization , not the income 基金組合投資績效不理想原因如下:我國證券市場的競爭日益加劇,且基金的資金量龐大,試圖獲得超額收益已越來越難;基金的投資理念也由積極投資一統天下轉向投資風格多樣化;從基金的運作來看,基金的市場時間規劃效果不明顯,股票選擇側重于風險分散。

Since the major research purpose of this paper is to explore a thinking that promotes the transformation of chongqing ' s dual economy structure , the present situation , causes of formation , transformation conditions of chongqing ' s dual economy structure as well as the influence of entering wto are the major tasks of the paper , the major viewpoints and conclusions of this paper are as follows : 1 . from both aspects of agriculture and non - agriculture development level and the living level of peasants and townspeople , the paper analyzes the present situation of chongqing ' s dual economy structure , and points out that agriculture development being backward and slow raise of living level of the peasants are the major reasons of the notability of the property of the present chongqing ' s dual economy structure 由于本文的主要研究目的是探索出一條促進重慶二元經濟結構轉換的思路,所以重慶二元經濟結構的現狀、成因、轉換狀況以及在入世后受到的影響都是研究的主要任務。主要觀點和結論如下: 1 、以大量的統計資料為基礎,從農業與非農業發展水平和城鄉居民生活水平兩個方面對重慶二元經濟結構的現狀進行了分析,指出農業發展落后和農民生活水平提高緩慢是當前重慶二元經濟特性十分顯著的主要原因。

Such homes had these various notabilities left behind them in the fine world of paris , that the spies among the assembled devotees of monseigneur - forming a goodly half of the polite company - would have found it hard to discover among the angels of that sphere one solitary wife , who , in her manners and appearance , owned to being a mother 這類家庭給巴黎上流社會留下了各色各樣惹人注目的人物。聚集在大人府第里的諸多忠誠人士中的包打聽們她們占了上流社會的一大半要想在那仙女出沒的天地里找出一個在態度和外貌上承認自己是母親的孤獨妻子是很困難的。

The exhibition trade is now thriving , attracting a great number of visitors from home and abroad , enhancing the notability of the superior industries and the influence , forcefully bringing along the growth of consumption and the development of the trades 會展經濟方興未艾,舉辦了家具博覽會、花卉博覽會、家電博覽會等多個大型展會,吸引了國內外大批的參觀者,提高了“兩家一花”優勢產業的知名度和影響力,有力地帶動了消費的增長和各行業的發展。

The people who were now pouring here were not celebrities , nor even local notabilities , in a general sense . they were the lights of a certain circle - the circle of small fortunes and secret order distinctions . these gentlemen elks knew the standing of one another 涌入這劇場來看戲的,總的來說,并不是名流們,甚至算不上當地的要人們,但他們是某一階層的頭面人物-那個頗有點資產的階層加上幫會的要人們。

The calibration of high self - regulation students is bad than low self - regulation students . 3 the type of feedback have notability effect on calibration . achievement feedback can improve calibration , but outcome feedback can “ t improve calibration 3 、反饋方式對校準有顯著影響,成績反饋(關于被試判斷準確性的信息)能改善校準,而結果反饋(關于被試判斷結果的信息)對校準則沒有作用。

Based on other literatures , we choose fly ash content , water - binder ratio and binder composition as factors of the orthogonal design . by the o rthogonal design test , notabilities to the strength was explored 在其他文獻的基礎上,采用正交試驗方法,分析水膠比、粉煤灰摻量和膠凝材料總量三個因素對粉煤灰混凝土強度的影響顯著性。

While they were still conferring there , several other of hurstwood s friends entered , and not long after eleven , the theatres being out , some actors began to drop in - among them some notabilities 他們還在那里談話時,赫斯渥的另外幾個朋友進來了。點過后不久,戲院散場了,開始有一些演員來到這里-其中還有些名角兒。

And seven main characters was showed notability difference was used to principal components analysis and six characters for influence of single plant grain weight was used to pathway analysis 結果表明, 7個主要農藝性狀經主成分分析可歸結為3個主成分因子,對產量影響較大的因素分別為粒數因子、粒重因子和長度因子。

Since innovation throws open , the course of urbanization develops rapidly , the visage of city changes with each passing day , demotic standard of living is improved notability 改革開放以來,我國城市化進程得到了迅速發展,城市面貌日新月異,人民的生活水平得到了顯著改善。

The experiment have such results : 1 , over - confident is an ubiquitous phenomena in students of high school . 2 , self - regulation have notability effect on calibration 2 、自我調節對校準有顯著作用,低自我調節被試的校準要好于高自我調節被試。