
nosey adj.(nosier; -iest)=nosy.


It s not the wife anyhow , nosey flynn said . i met him the day before yesterday and he coming out of that irish farm dairy john wyse nolan s wife has in henry street with a jar of cream in his hand taking it home to his better half . she s well nourished , i tell you “反正他也不是替老婆戴孝, ”大鼻子弗林說, “前天我還碰見他正從約翰懷思諾蘭的妻子在亨利大街上經營的那家愛爾蘭牛奶坊里走出來,手里捧著一罐子奶油,帶回去給心愛的太太。

Over against dame gate tom rochford and nosey flynn watched the approach of the cavalcade . tom rochford , seeing the eyes of lady dudley on him , took his thumbs quickly out of the pockets of his claret waistcoat and doffed his cap to her 湯姆羅赤福特發現達德利夫人兩眼盯著他,就連忙把插在紫紅色背心兜里的兩個大拇指伸出來,摘下便帽給她深打一躬。

Then i realize he isn ' t ; nick ' s talking about me meeting ewan mcgregor and just how open the actor may or may not be to the idea of a nosey web - guy hanging around 接著,我意識到,他說的不是這個,尼克說的是我和伊萬的會面,說的是這個演員對讓一個喜歡刨根問底的網站記者在周圍閑逛的主意會有什么樣的反應,他要么歡迎,要么冷漠。

Ay , now i remember , nosey flynn said , putting his hand in his pocket to scratch his groin . who is this was telling me ? isn t blazes boylan mixed up in it “啊,現在我記起來了, ”大鼻子弗林說,他把一只手伸進兜里去撓大腿窩的癢處, “是誰告訴我的來著

But the joys of owning the coolest toy in the universe ends when a nosey government agent arrives in town to hunt down the “ alien “ invader 但是當多事的政府調查員來到小鎮捉拿“外星人”入侵者的時候,擁有宇宙中最酷的玩具的喜悅結束了。

He s not too bad , nosey flynn said , snuffling it up . he has been known to put his hand down too to help a fellow . give the devil his due “他這個人不賴, ”大鼻子弗林邊吸溜著鼻涕邊說, “還聽說,他曾伸手去幫過一個伙伴的忙。

Smart idea , nosey flynn said , snuffling . so a fellow coming in late can see what turn is on and what turns are over . - see “高明的主意, ”大鼻子弗林抽著鼻孔說, “那么來晚了的人就能知道哪個節目正在進行,哪些己經結束了。 ”

His hand scrawled a dry pen signature beside his grog . - i know , davy byrne said . - nothing in black and white , nosey flynn said 他把手指當作沒有蘸墨水的鋼筆,在那杯兌了水的烈性酒旁,作潦潦草草地簽字的樣子。

I m off that , mr flynn , davy byrne answered . i never put anything on a horse . - you re right there , nosey flynn said “我跟這不沾邊兒,弗林先生, ”戴維伯恩回答說, “我絕不在馬身上下賭注。 ”

God almighty couldn t make him drunk , nosey flynn said firmly . slips off when the fun gets too hot “連全能的天主都不能把他灌醉, ”大鼻子弗林斬釘截鐵地說, “每逢鬧騰得過了火,他就開溜啦。

There was one woman , nosey flynn said , hid herself in a clock to find out what they do be doing “一回,有個女人躲在一應巨大的時鐘里, ”大鼻子弗林說, “想看看他們究竟搞些什么名堂。

And here s himself and pepper on him , nosey flynn said . can you give us a good one for the gold cup “他本人來啦,精神飽滿, ”大鼻子弗林說, “你能告訴我們哪匹馬會贏得金杯嗎? ”

Is that a fact ? - o , it s a fine order , nosey flynn said . they stick to you when you re down “嗯,那可是個出色的組織, ”大鼻子弗林說, “你有困難的時候,他們就助你一臂之力。

Mr bloom , champing standing , looked upon his sigh . nosey numskull . will i tell him that horse lenehan 布盧姆先生站在那兒大吃大嚼,一面低頭望著他嘆氣。

Nosey flynn asked , sipping . for answer tom rochford pressed his hand to his breastbone and hiccupped 湯姆羅赤福特用手緊緊按住胸骨,打了個嗝作為答復。

Nosey flynn asked . tom rochford spilt powder from a twisted paper into the water set before him 湯姆羅赤福特從紙卷里往擺到他跟前的杯中撒了點粉末。

That is , it isn ' t “ spilling your guts ” to anyone and everyone nosey enough to listen 那是?并非碰到任何人和每個好管?事的人就掏心掏肺地說給人聽。

Nosey flynn made swift passes in the air with juggling fingers . he winked 大鼻子弗林用手指變戲法般地望空比劃了幾下,眨了眨眼。

She ’ s so nosey 她太愛管閑事了!