
northerner n.北方人;〔N-〕〔美國〕美國北方人。


Analysis shows that when summer precipitation in north china is richer ( less ) , tropical east pacific ssta is colder ( warmer ) phase , and slp and 500hpa geo - potential height are negative ( positive ) anomaly over the asia , west pacific sub - high is northerner ( southerner ) , and block high in mid - highs latitude happens less ( more ) than normal , east monsoon is stronger ( weaker ) 分析表明華北夏季多(少)雨期,赤道中東太平洋ssta處于冷(暖)位相,在非洲大陸上slp利500hpa位勢高度均為負(正)異常,西北太平洋副高位置偏北(南) ,中緯度阻塞高壓發生頻率較低(高) ,東亞夏季風偏強(弱) 。

These two texts complement each other , and can be read as li s self portrait . we also interviewed many actors , directors and film production veterans for first - hand experiences of working with li . from their comments and recollections , we get a vivid image of li - a stout and dark - skinned northerner , fondly arranging and rearranging his beloved antiques and curiosities on the film set , or entertaining friends at home , and chatting at the top of his voice 我們也訪問了多位曾與他一起工作的演員和幕后人員,他們的第一身憶述,又湊成了另一幅豐富立體的李翰祥圖像我們幾乎可以看到一個皮膚黝黑的東北大漢,在片場里擺弄著他心愛的古董,又或者在他自己家里的飯桌上,扯著大嗓門與朋友們天南地北。

Comparing the first canteens , as well as the extent of a maximum number of students , the price was cheap , it tastes hard to say ; canteens from the second floor of the teaching relatively close , the class break to eat a lot of students ; 3rd canteens northerner favorite mainly to pasta ; finally , it is people teachers college , teachers college has come mainly in various starch , is a good friend of gathering places 第一食堂比較大,也是就餐學生最多的一個,價格便宜,口味就難說;第二食堂離教學樓比較近,課間去吃飯的學生很多;第三食堂是北方人的最愛,以面食為主;最后一個就是師院人家,因師范學院得來,以各種小炒為主,是朋友聚會的好地方。

Since the success of the comedy the greatest civil war on earth , there aroused a popular demand for films of similar lines . in response to this , mp gi had finally decided to have a second attempt , another new comedy satirizing the conflict between the cantonese and the northerners 一日,北方人李世普劉恩甲偶于南興酒家宴請朋友,因為一碟蠔油鮑魚與沈敬炳結怨,一怒之下,遂在南興對面開了一家京菜館北順樓,與沈敬炳針鋒相對。

It mingles the romantic ethos of the southerners with the perseverance and determinations of the northerners , whose ideals are to reform the society , representing the subjectivity of the intellectuals emerged after the warring period 《天問》的詩學精神則是南北文化結合的產物,兼具南人的浪漫與北人的堅忍之志、強毅之氣,并體現了春秋戰國以后崛起的士人群體的主體精神。

Some locals originally “ invented ” this vehicle hybrid , i was told , but now own “ fleets ” of them , with people from outside this area ( northerners , as described in an earlier post ) hired as drivers 一些當地人最初“發明“這種車輛配種,我被告訴,但是現在擁有他們的“艦隊“ ,與來自在作為司機雇傭的這個地區(北方人,如一個更早期的崗位描述)外邊的人們。

I am in suzhou , you think so incorrect , it what calls northerner to apply for a job in suzhou is easy that what calls northerner to apply for a job in suzhou , want you to have experience only , capable , where person is less important 我就在蘇州,你這樣想就不對了,什么叫北方人在蘇州找工作輕易嗎,只要你有經驗,有能力,哪里人都是次要的。

A northerner will ask questions to ascertain whether i miss home , if i am used to chinese food , my marital status and a general overview of the agricultural and industrial situation in my country 北方人會問一些問題來弄清我是否想家、是否習慣了中國飲食、我的婚姻狀況以及我的國家的工農業概況。

Their departure emboldened other northerners with dreams of secession or autonomy , and may give somaliland the edge if the dispute over sool leads to war 這樣的情況壯大了其他夢想分離或自治的北方人的膽量,同時如果圍繞索勒州的爭議引發戰爭的話將使得索馬里蘭占有優勢。

“ we ' ve tried to warm this city up for more than two years but northerners just haven ' t responded in sufficient numbers , ” said event director savvas christodoulou 我們兩年多來一直試圖要炒熱這座城市,但北部人的反應不熱絡,活動總指揮薩瓦斯?克利斯托多洛說。

I want to go suzhou develops , i am northerner , it is easy that excuse me northerner applies for a job in suzhou ? the development prospect that perhaps says suzhou how 我想去蘇州發展,我是北方人,請問北方人在蘇州找工作輕易嗎?或者說蘇州的發展前景怎么樣?

So as southern canada looks with new interest at the arctic , it finds that northerners are becoming increasingly assertive 因此當加拿大的南方人被新的利益驅動而注視北方的時候,他們會發現北方人現在越來越有其獨立自主的能力。

Tan cuisine is both sweet and salty , there is a saying that “ southerners have a sweet tooth , and northerners crave salt “ , but tan dishes manage to satisfy both 譚家菜咸甜適宜,常言道: “南甜北咸, ”譚家菜卻兩者兼顧。

Martial spirit of the northerners during tang dynasty and how it encouraged poets to join the army and brought changes in their literary creation 唐代北方尚武風氣對詩人從戎及創作的影響

I ' d rather bathe in a southern sea than wear thick clothes as northerners do 我寧愿整日泡在南方的海水里,也不愿像北方人一樣,穿著厚厚的衣服。

I go up to the canteen is the first and the third canteen , i was a northerner 而我去的最多的就是第一食堂和第三食堂,我是北方人。

You sound like a northerner 你像是北方來的

The southerners live on rice while the northerners live on wheat 南方人靠水稻生存而長江以北人靠小麥生存。

Northerners are proud of their accents ? and their history 北方人對于自己的口音和歷史都很自豪。