
norris n.諾里斯〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Mr . norris will speak on recent changes to canadian immigration rules and regulations . learn about applications for permanent residence in canada as well as visitor visa and work permit applications 主要介紹加拿大移民政策的最新變化。通過此主題的講解,參與者可以知道應如何申請加拿大永久居民、訪問簽證和工作簽證。

“ we ' re looking at this as something fun for them to do while they ' re looking for another job . this might even turn into a modeling career for them , “ playboy spokeswoman elizabeth norris said 花花公子雜志的發言人伊麗莎白諾麗斯說: “我們認為在她們找到新工作之前,可以把這份工作權當有意思的事情去做。

University president charles steger told reporters monday night that officers found the front doors of norris hall chained shut and that by the time they got to the second floor , the gunfire stopped 查理大學校長告訴記者周一夜,迎風人員發現大廳的前門諾里斯和鐵鏈封住時間到了,到了二樓,槍聲停止

Colin norris , a 32 - year - old nurse convicted of killing four elderly patients in northern england with insulin overdoses , was sentenced to life in prison 柯林諾里斯,一位32歲的護士以胰島素配藥量過多在英格蘭北部殺害四位年老的病人判定有罪,被判決終生監禁。

Henry norris was the former chairman of fulham football club but stepped in to buy arsenal during the 1910 / 11 season when the club faced bankrupcy 亨利諾里斯是富勒姆俱樂部的前主席,但是他在1910 / 1911賽季阿森納瀕臨破產時買入了阿森納俱樂部。

“ we ' d like to run it as soon as we can , “ norris said , adding that the magazine was aiming for a late summer publication 諾麗斯說: “我們會盡快實施這一計劃。 “此外,她還補充說該雜志計劃在夏末發行這份帶有新欄目的新版花花公子。

“ we ' d like to run it as soon as we can , “ norris said , adding that the magazine was aiming for a late summer publication 諾麗斯說: “我們會盡快實施這一計劃。 “此外,她還補充說該雜志計劃在夏末發行這份帶有新欄目的新版《花花公子》 。

The los angeles times reported on may 30 that robert norris , a military expert , had criticized the cox report sharply 《洛杉磯時報》 5月30日報道說,美國軍事問題專家羅伯特諾里斯對《考克斯報告》提出了尖銳的批評。

Norris was a self - made man who gained his fortune from property development but ran his football clubs like businesses 諾里斯是個白手起家的富翁,他從房地產開發上掙到錢,但是他把俱樂部也當成一個生意了經營。

The gunman was dressed “ almost like a boy scout , “ said a student who survived by pretending to lie dead on a norris hall classroom floor 槍手身著“幾乎像個童子軍“幸存學生佯稱所在死亡諾里斯一堂課地上

However , flinchum said ballistics tests show that one of the two guns recovered at norris hall was used at norris and at the dorm 大學官方稱他們將證實趙勝輝是否與之前宿舍內造成兩人死亡的槍擊有關。

“ fanny must have a horse , “ was edmund ' s only reply , mrs . norris could not see it in the same light 埃德蒙的唯一回答是: “范妮必須有一匹馬。 ”諾利斯太太對此不能理解。

Norris hall , a classroom building where most of the shootings took place will remain closed for the semester 槍擊的主要發生地諾里斯教學樓本學期將停止使用。

The gunman killed 30 people in norris hall classroom * * * efore taking his own life 槍手殺害30人諾里斯大廳課堂* * *調配復合顏料以自己的生命

This might even turn into a modeling career for them , “ playboy spokeswoman elizabeth norris said 而且她們有可能會因此而轉行成為模特。

Norris geyser basin 諾里斯間歇泉盆地

T - mac engaged with moochie norris in their usual post - practice shooting drill 麥迪陪諾里斯在訓練后進行了一些投籃。

Norris ( charles brown ) : are you attempting to tell me my duties , sir 諾里斯:你在嘗試告訴我我的責任么,先生?

Get up to speed , miss norris . one more of those . . . closed for good 快點行動吧,再出這種事我只能照章關了這里