
nonsense n.1. 無意義的話,荒謬[荒唐]話,胡說;廢話。2.荒...

nonsense book

I used to believe the romantic notion that an artist had to suffer. nonsense . 我曾確信一種浪漫的觀點,就是一個藝術家必定要經歷些挫折,這是瞎扯。

Much of this nonsense has already in previous chapters been exposed and refuted . 這些荒謬的說法,多半已經在以上的各章中進行了揭露和駁斥。

That is nonsense . without money , i would be so sad i would commit suicide at once . 無稽之談,如果沒有錢,我傷心的幾乎要馬上自殺。

You can do as you please, miss ley; i'm going to put a stop to this nonsense . 你喜歡怎么做我不管,萊伊小姐,我卻要制止這種胡鬧。

You find these men mixed up with the nonsense of their youth . 你可以發現,他們這些人身上還是擺脫不了青少年時代無所事事的痕跡。

You manage to reduce what seem quite sensible propositions to stark nonsense . 你竟然把那些看來非常明智的主張斥作十足的謬論。

This mrs. hunter, because she's old, comes out with the biggest nonsense . 這個亨特太太,因為年紀大了,盡說荒唐透頂的話。

Will you promise not to try any nonsense and do what i tell you ? 你們能答應我保證不惹事生非、照我的話去做嗎?

He had tried it and knew that nonsense was to be walked off . 他試用過它,他知道可以用散步消除掉無聊的想法。

This is nonsense . 這是胡說。

Nonsense of this type is more difficult to combat than a solid lie . 這一類的流言蜚語比具體的謊言更難對付。

It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another . 這不過是用一個謊話來代替另一個謊話。

This is nonsense ! 真是瞎胡鬧!

Do n't talk nonsense . 毋妄言。

She had been so simply taught that there was no nonsense in her head . 她受的教育極單純,腦子里毫無邪念。

A truce to nonsense ! 別講廢話!

He could talk good sense and airy nonsense at discretion . 他能隨意講述意味深長的警句和毫無意義的空談。

Ridiculous! the medical department ought to stop this nonsense . 亂彈琴!你們衛生隊最好不來開這個玩笑。

Why are we brought here to answer such nonsense as this ? 為什么要我們到這里來回答這樣莫名其妙的問題?