
nonproliferation n.不增生,不增殖;不擴散,防擴散(特指防核擴散)。

nonproliferation treaty

During this long time , owing to considering its own strategic benefits , india has adopted a policy which resists international nonproliferation mechanism , but along with the domestic and foreign environment changing , india ' s missile nonproliferation policy begins to transform gradually 在較長一段時期內,出于自身的戰略利益考慮,印度采取與國際防擴散機制相對抗的政策,但在國內外環境發生變化的情況下,印度的導彈防擴散政策也逐漸發生了轉變。

The second is korea , where the entire international community now confronts a north korean regime that has violated its own commitments to the nonproliferation treaty , the agreed framework , its iaea safeguards agreement , and the joint south - north denuclearization declaration 整個國際社會現在面對著這樣一個北韓政權:它違反自己對《不擴散條約》 、 《核框架協議》 、國際原子能機構( iaea )保障措施協議以及南北雙方《無核化聯合聲明》的承諾。

The teamwork between the chinese and the american representatives in organizing this demonstration is a model for successful cooperative projects and marks an important step in continued collaboration between the united states and china in the area of nonproliferation , nuclear security and safeguards 新聞簡報還說,美國能源部與中國國家原子能機構將繼續進行雙邊磋商,尋求最有效的安全措施并在核不擴散及其相關技術等領域繼續進行技術交流。

On the one hand , china has played an increasingly helpful role in supporting the international regimes , including adoption of the ctbt and extension of the npt , and working with us to resolve specific nonproliferation concerns , such as the north korean nuclear threat 以我的觀點,過去四年中最重要、卻也最少受到重視的成就之一就是美國與越南的關系正常化。這符合美國想要得到有關東南亞戰爭失蹤美軍最完整資料的優先目標。

The chinese government issued a white paper on arms control , disarmament and nonproliferation in september that , among its passages , reiterates the country ' s support for negotiating a ban on space weapons and the prohibition of the use of force against objects in space 中國政府在9月份發表了關于武器控制,裁軍和核不擴散的白皮書,在這本白皮書中,反復重申中國對關于禁止太空武器的談判和防止針對太空目標使用武力的支持。

Washington , d . c . - - secretary of energy spencer abraham and zhang huazhu , chairman of the china atomic energy authority ( caea ) affirmed their commitment today to recent understandings reached by the two countries to increase cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation , security and counter - terrorism 與中國國家原子能機構主任張華祝今天表示,將遵照兩國最近達成的共識,增加在核不擴散、安全和反恐怖主義等領域的合作。

Our goal is to influence china to move steadily closer to international standards of nonproliferation . we are ready to do more with china as soon as our counterparts in beijing demonstrate that they re prepared to address our concerns seriously 我們的目標是對中國施加影響,使中國逐步向有關不擴散的國際標準靠攏。一旦北京方面顯示出他們準備好嚴肅對待我們所關注的問題,我們就立即和中國一起進行更多的工作。

There was also 70 million for peacekeeping operations , 50 million for emergency refugee and migration assistance , 50 million for the u . s . trade and development program , 20 million for nonproliferation and disarmament programs , and 20 million for the inter - american foundation 著名的微軟公司創立者比爾蓋茲表示,自從德國人古騰堡在五百年前,在歐洲印刷第一本圣經以來,數位晶片對通訊所造成的革命是空前的。

And that can be done through making certain that china s economy is embedded in a rules - based international system , like the world trade organization , working with china on the problems for nuclear nonproliferation , the problems of the dprk s nuclear weapons 賴斯說,通過確保中國的經濟成為按規則辦事的國際體系(如世界貿易組織)的一部份,通過與中國合作終止北韓的核武計劃,這一點能夠做到。

Paid nonproliferation graduate program ( ngp ) at doe ' s national nuclear security administration ( nnsa ) . administered through pacific northwest national laboratory . detailed information on the program , how to apply , stipend , etc 美國能源部底下的國家核安局所經援的防止核武擴散分級計畫,經由太平洋西北國家實驗室進行管制。該計畫的詳細資料,如何執行、申請經費…等等。

“ there are a couple hundred iraqis who are really good scientists , particularly in the missile area , “ said jonathan tucker , a former u . n . inspector now with the center for nonproliferation studies at the monterey institute in california 聯合國前檢查員現在加州蒙特里學院防擴散中心工作的塔克指出: “伊拉克有數百名真正的優秀科學家,特別是在導彈領域。

In december 2003 , china issued its first white paper on nonproliferation - - the first authoritative and comprehensive articulation of china s international nonproliferation commitments and its nonproliferation policies 2003年12月,中國首次發表了有關不擴散問題的白皮書,這是中國做出的第一個有關中國不擴散的國際義務和不擴散政策的全面而具權威的聲明。

We have continued to apply sanctions on china in accordance with u . s . laws and regulations , and we have continued to urge china to bring its policies and practices in line with international nonproliferation norms 我們還將繼續根據美國的法律和法規對中國實施制裁,我們也在繼續敦促中國實施與國際不擴散慣例相符合的政策和做法。我們還將繼續這樣做。 ”

To the united states , non - proliferation has a direct bearing on its national security . in addition , the us nonproliferation policy has undergone a tremendous change , namely from ‘ simply emphasizing prevention ’ to ‘ emphasizing prevention and countering ’ 不僅如此,防止大規模殺傷性武器的政策也從單一的不擴散向“既防也反”的反擴散政策轉變。

The signing of the agreement follows recent steps taken by china to strengthen its national system of nonproliferation export controls , as outlined in its “ white paper “ released by china s state council on december 3 , 2003 在簽署意向聲明前不久,中國國務院于2003年12月3日發表《白皮書》 ,說明中國為加強全國不擴散出口控制制度而采取的步驟。

On the nonproliferation side , i think we had the very important agreement concerning the c - 801 and c - 802 missiles in the persian gulf - very important to the security of american forces and shipping in that region 是繼續給予還是取消此種待遇更有可能使我們達成目標呢?顯然是續惠中國符合美國國家利益,也更有可能促進我們對中國與香港的目標。

Quite the contrary . we dealt with that problem , came out of it , and today we are pursuing so many promising new areas of cooperation with china , from counterterrorism to nonproliferation and stability in north and south asia 今天,從反恐怖主義到不擴散及北韓和南亞的穩定等問題,我們正與中國共同探索如此眾多充滿希望的新的合作領域。 ”

I want to begin by saying a few words about the nature of the nonproliferation challenge we face in the wake of the end of the cold war and on the threshold of this new century 一九九三年三月我在參院為我的任命案舉行的聽證會上曾表示,世上沒有比亞洲與太平洋地區對美國更為重要,即使在二十一世紀的明天,依然沒有比這兩地更重要的地區。

In the nonproliferation business , we mark the passage of time by the carnegie endowment s annual conference - a chance to review where we are , and where we need to go , on the critical issues of the day 我不是在說外交辭令。今后我將成為一個老百姓,我可以放下外交官身分。我是真的感覺到與各位相處非常快樂,更希望也對各位有益處。