
nonproductive adj.不能生產的,無生產力的;非生產性的。


For instance , liang shuming ' s view of the combination of politics and education contracts with the secularization , rationalization of education which are the tendency of education modernization . liang shuming hoped to replace chinese new education with nonproductive education . the idea is out of tune with the melody of modern education , such as practicalization , specialization and scientifization 其中,梁漱溟政教合一的思想與教育的世俗化、理性化等教育現代化的趨勢相左,而他強調用丹麥式的“非實用化的教育”代替當時的西式新教育又與現代教育實用化、專業化、科學化的趨勢相悖;就梁漱溟教育思想本身來說,不僅其教育的組織形式與培養目標相互沖突,而且其君子式的人格理想也存在著內在矛盾。

Clinical observation on gankening in treating chronic nonproductive cough based on syndrome differentiation 干咳寧辨證論治慢性干咳臨床觀察

Will chronic nonproductive cough with bronchial hyperresponsiveness be cough variant asthma 慢性干咳伴有氣道高反應性即是咳嗽變異性哮喘嗎

Forecasting nonproductive expenditure structure of changchun townsfolk in 6 years markov chain 用馬爾柯夫鏈預測居民六年的消費性支出結構

Measures were taken to made the nonproductive expenses remain down 已采取措施以不使非生產性開支增加。

Nonproductive coughs need an antitussive to stop the coughing 無痰干咳需用鎮咳藥止咳,以避免并發癥。

Syndrome differentiation and treatment of chronic nonproductive cough by 以干咳寧為基本方辨治慢性干咳

Measures were taken to keep down nonproductive expenses 為緊縮非生產性開支而采取了措施。

About two thirds of the patients have a nonproductive cough . 約23患者有干咳。