
mystification n.使人迷惑的事物;神秘舉動[行動、現象];不可思議;迷...


I said this rather to myself than to the gipsy , whose strange talk , voice , manner , had by this time wrapped me in a kind of dream . one unexpected sentence came from her lips after another , till i got involved in a web of mystification ; and wondered what unseen spirit had been sitting for weeks by my heart watching its workings and taking record of every pulse 這時吉卜賽人奇怪的談話噪音和舉動己使我進入了一種夢境,意外的話從她嘴里一句接一句吐出來,直至我陷進了一張神秘的網絡,懷疑有什么看不見的精靈,幾周來一直守在我心坎里,觀察著心的運轉,記錄下了每次搏動。

Information about existence of a variety of creatures of different appearance in the universe is understandable , but vague mystification of ” saurians ” , who spread fear by means of the media , goverments and ufo groups - see below 有關在宇宙里存在不同容貌生物多樣性的信息是可以理解的,但有關“蜥蜴類”神秘化不明確,它借助媒體、政府和不明飛行物團體傳播恐懼-請看下文。

The ancient jade articles shock people all around the world for its amazing artistic style as well as its beautiful craftwork and mystification 紅山文化古玉器,樸拙而智慧的藝術造型;精湛而獨特的加工工藝;神秘而深厚的文化內涵;這一切,無不為世人所震驚。

The paper holds that the mystification of sword art is not only influenced by social and cultural psychologies , but is also the result of literary development itself 同時,在劍器衍化為“劍術”的發展過程中,也有佛教與道教等宗教觀念的貢獻。

He knew enough about that city to know that its mysteries and possibilities of mystification were infinite 他很熟悉那個城市,知道那個城市充滿神秘,可以任由你神出鬼沒。

Mystification of nature - the poetic insight into existent meaning of taoist esthetics 道家美學對生存意義的詩性觀照