
mystery n.1.神秘的事物,不可思議的事物。2.神秘,秘密;訣竅...

mystery play

How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved . 至于消息如何能在城里不脛而走,更是個難解之迷。

The production of a work of art throws light upon the mystery of humanity . 一件藝術品的產生往往可以說明人性的神秘。

Did the cheque to trenor explain the mystery or deepen it ? 這張付與雷諾的支票解釋了這樁疑案抑或加劇了它的神秘色彩?

He had written out a confession. at last the long mystery was solved . 他寫了一份坦白書。這個長期的疑案終于解決了。

We look forward to finding further answers to the mystery of animal navigation . 我們期望進一步解開動物導航之迷。

We must be humble , for we are compassed by mysteries . 我們一定要謙虛,因為我們周圍充滿了我們還不理解的事物。

Rubinstein's murder posed a mystery which the police couldn't solve . 魯賓斯坦的命案茫無頭緒,警方一籌莫展。

I am not a mystery to those to whom i unfold myself . 我對有些人是暢所欲言的。對他們來說,我不是一個謎。

It is a mystery . 這是一種奧秘。

The time had come when it would seem that this mystery was to be explained . 現在是揭開秘密的時候了。

What moves him is the desire to unravel the mysteries of nature . 推動他們的還是解開自然之迷的愿望。

Ole benson's behavior was now no mystery to me . 奧爾本森的行為如今對我來說已不是不可思議的事了。

It is a great mystery . 這真是一個謎。

They spend their time philosophizing about the mysteries of life . 他們用很多時間探討生命的奧秘。

With it lavoister explained the age-old mystery of burning . 拉瓦錫以此揭開了年代久遠的燃燒秘密。

We are up against one of the greatest mysteries of the universe . 我們面臨著宇宙最大的奧妙之一。

The physical origin of the gauge transformation is a mystery . 這個規范變換的物理起因還是個謎。

It 's a mystery to me . 這對我來說是個謎。

The mysteries of faith are hidden from sense and reason . 信仰的奧秘是感覺和理性所不能察知的。