
mysterious adj.神秘的,不可思議的;曖昧的,可疑的;故弄玄虛的。...


B : love is mysterious , but i do believe in it 愛情是很神秘,但我真的相信它。

Mysterious west - land style - dunhuang sacred lake -神秘西域情調:敦煌及圣湖

In the mysterious disappearance of the five cheerleaders 我們啦啦隊長神秘的消失了

B : love is a mysterious and a complicated force 愛是一種神秘而又復雜的力量。

You ' d open your mysterious sinus if you want it better 想學的更好就要打通奇經八穴

He talks in riddles , and bas a mysterious past 他說的話深沉,有謎一般的過去。

Let ' s take a trip to the mysterious kanas lake 讓我們去尋訪神秘的喀納斯湖吧。

After he disappeared , mysterious things have taken place 他失蹤后怪事就發生了

He is the most mysterious artist of the planet 他是這個行星上最神秘的藝術家。

He found a clue to solve the mysterious affair 他發現解開那椿神秘事件的線索。

Introduction : a mysterious parts of the murder case 一個神秘地方發生的謀殺案, 。

Very much , so that ' s your mysterious appointment 非常喜歡,原來就是神秘的約會。

A mysterious light came from the deserted house 廢棄的房屋里亮起了神秘的燈光。

You still hung upon you mysterious married lady 你還一直對神秘的已婚女士癡迷?

She recognized the colossal indifference of nature, not hostile, even kindly and friendly, so long as the human ant-swarm was submissive, working with it, hurrying along at its side in the mysterious march of the centuries . 她看出大自然真冷酷無情得駭人聽聞,只要螞蟻群似的人類肯百依百順,跟它合作,在一世紀一世紀神秘莫測的進程中,跟它并肩前進,它就并不存心與人為敵,甚至可以說得上很和氣,很友好。

It seemed to be in madame olenska's mysterious faculty of suggesting tragic and moving possibilities outside the daily run of experience . 仿佛在于奧蘭斯卡夫人身上的一種神秘的力量:這種力量可以透過事物司空見慣的外表揭示出它實質上感人的悲劇性。

All the northern atmosphere at that time was thick with mysterious rumors--rumors to the effect that rebel spies were flitting everywhere . 那時候北方的整個空氣充滿了神秘的謠言--謠傳叛軍的間諜到處神出鬼沒。

These mysterious forces, deranged by the presence of teenagers, go slightly crazy and create all the “ghostly“ havoc . 由于青少年的出現而被干擾的這些神秘力量有點發瘋,于是制造出所有這些鬼一般的大混亂。

There was something in her face-a look of life hard--lived, the mysterious impress of emotions, experience, and suffering . 她臉上有一種--一種歷盡坎坷的神情,和喜怒哀樂,閱歷與痛苦留下的神秘痕跡。