
myself pron.(pl. ourselves) (我)自己;(...


I will handle the bricklayers myself . 我將親自來安排砌磚工人。

I shall have to begin schooling myself in shrewdness . 我應該學得狡猾些。

I find myself in the same boat . 我發現我自己也處于同樣的境遇。

I nearly brained myself on that low beam . 那低矮的橫梁險些把我的頭撞碎。

For the future i intend to look after myself . 今后我想多替自己打算打算。

I congratulate myself on my narrow escape . 我慶幸自己死里逃生。

I had much presence of mind to bring myself off . 我十分鎮靜地逃了出來。

There were ten present including myself . 連我在內共有十人出席。

In the evening i found myself very feverish . 晚上,我發起燒來。

Wait a minute. i have to tidy myself up a bit ... 等一會兒,我梳理一下。

I received two slaps on the face myself . 我自己臉上挨了兩次刮。

There were fifteen present excluding myself . 除我以外,有十五人出席。

I flatter myself that i have spared no pains .. 我自問是花過不少力氣的。

I drafted their instructions myself . 我親自擬定了給他們的指示。

“of all the nerves!“ i thought to myself . “好厚的臉皮!”我暗自想道。

I must assure myself of the real situation . 我必須查明真實情況。

I will order a bowl of beef noodles for myself . 我要替自己叫碗牛肉面。

I may consider myself a lonely man . 我還不如說我是一個孤獨的人。

I have myself seen a striking instance . 我曾親眼看到過這樣動人的例子。