
myrtle n.1.【植物;植物學】桃金娘,番櫻桃;愛神木;長春花;...

myrtle green

My father was endeavoring to pierce with his eager looks the remotest verge of the horizon , examining attentively every black speck which appeared on the lake , while my mother , reclining by his side , rested her head on his shoulder , and i played at his feet , admiring everything i saw with that unsophisticated innocence of childhood which throws a charm round objects insignificant in themselves , but which in its eyes are invested with the greatest importance . the heights of pindus towered above us ; the castle of yanina rose white and angular from the blue waters of the lake , and the immense masses of black vegetation which , viewed in the distance , gave the idea of lichens clinging to the rocks , were in reality gigantic fir - trees and myrtles 我的父親坐在一個大洞前面,目光凝視遙遠的地平線,聚精會神地仔細觀察湖面上的每一個黑點,我母親靠在他身邊,頭枕著他的肩胛,而我就在他的腳邊玩耍,帶著天真的好奇心眺望著巍然屹立在地平線上的賓特斯山,那白皚皚棱角分明從蔚藍的湖面上高高聳起來的亞尼納堡,以及那一大片黯黑青翠從遠處看以為是附著在巖石上的苔蘚實際上卻是高大的樅樹和桃金娘。

For a moment he could not find malfoy anywhere , and assumed he must be inside the room of requirement again , but then he saw malfoy ' s tiny , labelled dot standing in a boys ' bathroom on the floor below , accompanied , not by crabbe or goyle but by moaning myrtle ,哈利繞道沿著七樓走廊走,同時查看著活點地圖,有一段時間,他在哪里都找不到馬爾福,他猜想馬爾福一定又在有求必應屋,但是之后他發現標志馬爾福的微小的點標志著他在樓下一層的男盥洗室中,陪伴他的,不是克拉布,也不是高爾,而是哭泣的桃金娘。

Here you will find century - old pines , firs , ginkgoes , chinese torreyas , chinese sweet gums , nanmus , camphor woods and the precious magua trees , remnants of the glacial era . the yellow mountains abound in flowering plants ; many of them are rare ones , such as goddess flower the yellow mountains azalea as well as camellia , plum , lily , crape myrtle , orchid , spring heralding flower and so on 在山上您可以看到世紀松或“百年松” ,冷杉銀杏中國膠皮糖香樹樟木和冰川時代的遺跡珍貴的樹黃山的開花植物很豐富,其中許多都是稀有珍品,如美人花黃山杜鵑花茶花李樹花百合花紫薇也叫百日紅蘭花和迎春花等等。

Here you will find century - old pines , firs , ginkgoes , chinese torreyas , chinese sweet gums , nanmus , camphor woods and the precious magua trees , remnants of the glacial era . the yellow mountains abound in flowering plants ; many of them are rare ones , such as goddess flower the yellow mountains azalea as well as camellia , plum , lily , crape myrtle , orchid , spring heralding flower and so on 在山上您可以看到世紀松(或“百年松” ) ,冷杉、銀杏、中國膠皮糖香樹、樟木和冰川時代的遺跡珍貴的樹?黃山的開花植物很豐富,其中許多都是稀有珍品,如美人花、黃山杜鵑花、茶花、李樹花、百合花、紫薇(也叫百日紅) 、蘭花和迎春花等等。

Descending into the grotto , he lifted the stone , filled his pockets with gems , put the box together as well and securely as he could , sprinkled fresh sand over the spot from which it had been taken , and then carefully trod down the earth to give it everywhere a uniform appearance ; then , quitting the grotto , he replaced the stone , heaping on it broken masses of rocks and rough fragments of crumbling granite , filling the interstices with earth , into which he deftly inserted rapidly growing plants , such as the wild myrtle and flowering thorn , then carefully watering these new plantations , he scrupulously effaced every trace of footsteps , leaving the approach to the cavern as savage - looking and untrodden as he had found it 然后,走出洞來,把那塊石頭蓋回原處,在上面堆了些破碎的巖石和大塊的花崗石碎片,又用泥土填滿石縫,移了幾棵香桃木和荊棘花種植在這些石縫里,并給這些新移種的植物澆些水,使它們看起來象是很久以來就生長在這兒的一樣,然后擦去四周的腳印,焦急地等待他的同伴回來。他并不想整天地去望著那些黃金和鉆石,或留在基督山島上,象一條似的守護著那些沉在地下的寶藏。

He soon perceived that a slope had been formed , and the rock had slid along this until it stopped at the spot it now occupied . a large stone had served as a wedge ; flints and pebbles had been inserted around it , so as to conceal the orifice ; this species of masonry had been covered with earth , and grass and weeds had grown there , moss had clung to the stones , myrtle - bushes had taken root , and the old rock seemed fixed to the earth 圓形的大巖石旁邊,還有一塊大石頭,這塊大石頭以前一定是用來頂住大圓石的滾勢而做墊石的,巖石四周塞了許多石片和鵝卵石來掩飾洞口,周圍又蓋上了些泥土,野草從泥土里長了出來,苔蘚布滿了石面,香桃木也在那里生了根,于是那塊大石就象是根深蒂固地長在地面上的一樣了。

After spraying the wax myrtle fruit with fluorescent powder and analyzing the resulting 11 , 000 fluorescent bluebird droppings , the researchers found the feces were 37 percent more likely to occur in the connected patch than in the isolated ones , suggesting corridors do work 研究人員在散布附有螢光粉末的楊梅果實之后,收集了1萬1000個被螢光染色的知更鳥糞,加以分析,發現有接著走廊的碎片比沒有走廊的碎片,染色糞便多了37 % ,顯示這些保育走廊確實有效。

A common street tree in hong kong , the tree is a captivating sight when pregnant with clusters of pink and purple petals . there are three stunning queen crape myrtles on campus ; one is on the slope of the institute of chinese studies and another beside the cheung chuk shan amenities building at united college 大學校園有三棵大葉紫薇長得最好,一在中國文化研究所的山坡,另一在聯合書院張祝珊師生康樂中心旁,以在崇基眾志堂后面的一棵最漂亮。

Kong ngee also cultivated its rank of new writing and directorial talent , as represented by chor yuen chu yuan , who worked as chun s assistant director on autumn comes to crape myrtle garden ziwei yuan de qiutian 1958 , and made his debut as director - cum - screenwriter with 而在編導的行列里,楚原曾在光藝時期師承秦劍,在紫薇園的秋天1958中任副導,并獨立編導湖畔草1959他其后活躍于影壇,是六七十年代橫跨國粵語片的一名中堅份子。

And that they should publish and proclaim in all their cities , and in jerusalem , saying , go forth unto the mount , and fetch olive branches , and pine branches , and myrtle branches , and palm branches , and branches of thick trees , to make booths , as it is written 15并要在各城和耶路撒冷宣傳報告說,你們當上山,將橄欖樹,野橄欖樹,番石榴樹,棕樹,和各樣茂密樹的枝子取來,照著所寫的搭棚。

And that they publish and proclaim in all their cities and in jerusalem , saying , go out to the mountain and bring olive branches and wild olive branches and myrtle branches and palm branches and branches of other leafy trees to make booths , as it is written 15并要在各城和耶路撒冷宣揚傳布說,你們當上山去,將橄欖樹、野橄欖樹、番石榴樹、棕樹、和各樣茂密樹的枝葉取來,照著所寫的搭棚。

Then dant s rose more agile and light than the kid among the myrtles and shrubs of these wild rocks , took his gun in one hand , his pickaxe in the other , and hastened towards the rock on which the marks he had noted terminated 于是,唐太斯一躍而起,簡直比生長在這座荒山的香桃木和灌木叢中的小山羊更輕巧靈便,他一手握槍,一手拿鶴嘴鋤,向記號盡頭的那塊巖石快步走去。

Occasionally the marks were hidden under tufts of myrtle , which spread into large bushes laden with blossoms , or beneath parasitical lichen . so edmond had to separate the branches or brush away the moss to know where the guide - marks were 這些記號相當有規律,大概是故意留下來的,有幾處已被覆蓋化一叢叢鮮花盛開著的香桃木底下,或寄生的地衣底下。

After more than 30 years protection , the islet is the cover taiwan acacia , the beefwood , the black pine and the mountain cuckoo , the myrtle , the tree fern , the awn winnow basket , just like virgin forest 經過30多年的保護,如今滿島皆是茂密的相思樹、木麻黃、黑松和山杜鵑、桃金娘、樹蕨、芒箕,猶如原始森林。

Born in december 1965 in fife , scotland , shirley henderson was cast as moaning myrtle in the harry potter films , so at 35 she was the oldest actor cast to play a hogwarts student 1965年在蘇格蘭城市法夫出生,雪莉?亨德森在哈利波特電影中扮演桃金娘, 35歲的她是霍格瓦茨學生扮演者中年紀最大的。

And they answered the angel of jehovah , who was standing among the myrtle trees , and they said , we have gone to and fro on the earth , and indeed all the earth sits still and is quiet 11那些騎馬的,對站在番石榴樹中間耶和華的使者回報說,我們已經巡行遍地,見全地的人都安居平靜。

And they answered the angel of the lord that stood among the myrtle trees , and said , we have walked to and fro through the earth , and , behold , all the earth sitteth still , and is at rest 11那些騎馬的,對站在番石榴樹中間耶和華的使者說,我們已在遍地走來走去,見全地都安息平靜。

I saw by night , and behold a man riding upon a red horse , and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom ; and behind him were there red horses , speckled , and white 亞1 : 8我夜間觀看、見一人騎著紅馬、站在洼地番石榴樹中間在他身后、又有紅馬、黃馬、和白馬。

Thousands of grasshoppers , hidden in the bushes , chirped with a monotonous and dull note ; the leaves of the myrtle and olive trees waved and rustled in the wind 成千只知了躲在草叢里,吱呀吱呀地叫個不停,那叫聲很單調。杏桃木和橄欖樹的葉子在風中擺動,索索作響。