
myriapod adj.,n.多足(類)的;多足類動物,節足動物。


In addition , the myriapod s actions demonstrated its longing for spiritual nourishment , regardless of any difficulties or risks it might have encountered . in retrospect , if we fellow initiates , who are already bodhisattvas , still listen to our minds and make excuses for not attending group meditation , we are really unworthy of our precious human body and the grace that master has bestowed on us 其次,這只小蟲的行為顯示出,它為了渴求獲得靈性食糧,絲毫不在意種種的艱難與危險,反觀我們身為已登菩薩地的觀音法門修行者,如果仍受凡夫頭腦的牽制而找種種藉口不叁加共修的話,實在枉費寶貴的人身和師父賜予我們的恩典。

As i walked down the stairway , an interesting scene attracted my attention . on the slightly white carpet , about ten centimeters from the first step of the stairway , was a well - developed myriapod about six centimeters in length , stretching its body in a straight line and moving toward the stairs leading to the meditation hall 當我走到樓梯的盡頭時,一幕有趣的景象吸引了我的視線:略帶白色的地毯上,有一條長約六公分頗為豐滿的百足蟲,全身筆直,不偏不倚地朝著大殿入口處的樓梯前進。

First , the unusual actions of the myriapod must be related to the high spiritual atmosphere in the meditation hall . obviously , the meditation hall in an ashram is a very holy place . so we should always keep our actions , speech and thoughts pure in order to protect the spiritual atmosphere in a meditation hall 這個故事本身雖簡單,卻給我一些很好的啟示:這只百足蟲不尋常的行動一定與大殿高等的靈性氣氛有關,可見道場的打坐大殿是一處很神圣的場所,我們應當隨時保持身口意清凈,以保護大殿的氣氛。

This research reviewed the relationships of the myriapods to other arthropoda , based on morphological and molecular sequence data and the studies of developmental biology . the review was followed the major controversies in the higher - level phylogeny of myriapods . the complete 18s rrna sequences of four groups of myriapoda plus hexapoda ( protura , diplura , insecta ) and crustacea were used for phylogenetic study 本研究首先從形態學性狀、分子性狀( dna和蛋白質)以及結合形態和分子性狀、發育生物學的研究等方面對多足類動物與其他節肢動物之間的親緣關系進行了綜述,同時對多足類的系統發生研究進行了綜述。

Myriapods feed on humus in the fields , unlike ants , which love candy wrappings and cookie crumbs occasionally dropped by careless fellow initiates in the meditation hall . so if the myriapods do visit the meditation hall , it must be for some other purpose than food 其實,百足蟲的食物為野地上的腐殖質,它們不像螞蟻,喜歡覓食同修在大殿里不小心留下的糖果包裝紙或餅乾屑,所以如果它們來大殿造訪一定不是為了找尋食物,而應是別有玄機。

The myriapod s response to the holy names indicates their sacred power . this is a reminder that we should always remember to recite the holy names , particularly when we are working , driving or walking outside at night , so that all visible and invisible beings around us can benefit 另外,小蟲對佛號的反應,印證了師父所傳佛號的神圣力量,同時也提醒我們無論在工作開車或是夜行時,都應時時記得默念佛號,以利益有形無形的廣大眾生。

Ellow initiates who come frequently to the new jersey center may have seen a kind of invertebrate animal about five or six centimeters long and half a centimeter wide . it has about a hundred pairs of legs . that is why it is called the myriapod 常到紐澤西道場的同修可能都曾看過一種長五六公分,寬約半公分的小蟲,腹部長有約百來對腳,我們姑且叫它百足蟲。

But actually , it moves very slowly and is very mild by nature . if you touch it gently , it coils up immediately . myriapods often appear in the meditation hall at the center , which has a rear entrance leading to an area of uncultivated land 不過實際上它爬行的速度很慢,也很溫和,只要輕輕碰它一下,它會馬上蜷縮起來,在打坐大殿里經常可以發現它們的蹤影。

The tracheae runs into a pair of stigmas at the head laterally , a pair of trichobothria is at posterior end of body , and each of the large paired styles has a opening of spinning glands respectively are unique to myriapod 特別是,氣管經過在它頭部外側的一對氣門上與外界交換空氣;軀干后端有一對特殊的盅毛;巨大而成對的針突具有各自的紡績腺的開孔。

The start reading framae and stop codons , base composition in protein - coding genes and the codon usage of amino acids in scolopendra multilane were compared with the three other myriapods 本研究在蛋白質編碼基因起始閱讀框和終止密碼子、蛋白質編碼區的堿基組中文摘要成、氨基酸及密碼子的利用等方面把少棘蜈蚣與另三種多足類進行了比較。

It would not be an overstatement to say that i was truly very touched by the scene . the myriapod seemed to be rushing to an important occasion and , moreover , it seemed to be running late 當時的情景確實讓我感動不已,我一點也沒有夸大其詞,它是如此地匆忙,彷佛在趕赴什么重要的事情,而且時間似乎很緊湊。

A fence in the back yard has been built to keep small animals out , which means that the myriapods have little chance of sneaking in through the back door 大殿的后門雖然連接著一片荒地,不過筑有密閉的圍墻來阻隔一些小動物進入,所以百足蟲也少有機會走后門。

The gene content of scolopendra multilan is similar to that of the other arthropoda , and gene rearrangements are observed as in other myriapods 其基因組成與其他節肢動物的特點相似,并與其他多足類一樣存在著基因重排現象。

Inspiration from a myriapod 百足蟲的啟示