
myriad n.〔詩〕萬,一萬;無數,極大數量。adj.無數的;眾多...


There are a myriad of challenges and misunderstandings that may occur because of cross cultural differences 由于文化的差異和交流的障礙,管理中常常會產生很多的誤解和誤區。

In a myriad of ways and over many decades , the government has supported and promoted the development of agriculture 在過去數十年中,政府也以無數的方式支持并促進農業發展。

Some people can do that ; some have written books on their out - of - body experiences . myriad civilizations and realms 有一些人可以這么做,他們自己出去,也寫很多書給我們看。

You will find a myriad of entertainment choices appearing right in front of you on your personal television ( ptv ) 我們為您提供的個人電視( ptv ) ,將為您帶來無限樂趣。

Hong kong celebrates a myriad of colourful and spectacular festivals and events all year long 在香港,節日及盛事全年不絕,熱鬧繽紛,正好體現了香港中西文化互融的特質。

Looking at the present era in historical context helps to put the world ' s myriad problems in perspective 在歷史的脈絡中檢視當下,能夠讓我們透徹地審視世界上眾多問題。

The chariots of god are myriads , thousands upon thousands ; the lord is among them as at sinai , in holiness 詩68 : 17神的車輦累萬盈千主在其中、好像在西乃圣山一樣。

The role of brokering work units and dispatching them to clients can be handled in myriad ways 。代理并分發任務單元到客戶機這一任務可以通過多種不同的方式來實現。

The core products are the components or sub - assemblies that form the foundation of a myriad of end products 這個核心產品是形成無數終端產品的組成部分或裝配部件。

As part of the development process , product family data is processed using myriad applications 作為開發過程的一部分,產品系列數據使用了無數的應用程序進行處理。

This is because of the myriad ways that pos are classified , subclassified , and generally conceived 問題的原創者被加上注釋,這表示正在使用系統的用戶管理功能。

Through the expansion of the universe , the gas cooled and condensed into the myriad galaxies found today 經宇宙膨脹后,氣體冷卻并凝縮成無數今日可見的星系。

A myriad of downloadable binaries are available at the ibm toolkit for mpeg - 4 download site see 在該工具包的下載站點上,有許多可以下載的二進制軟件包(請參閱

Much of the land is divided into myriad tiny plots with different owners , all of whom make their own wine 這里的大部分土地都被分得很細,屬于不同的產酒人。

It was as though artists ' eyes had been opened to the myriad possibilities of seeing and creating beauty 藝術家們似乎看見了視覺的無限可能性并開始創造美。

When it came to rest , he said , “ return , o lord , to the myriad thousands of israel . 民10 : 36約柜停住的時候、他就說、耶和華阿、求你回到以色列的千萬人中。

Beautiful is thy wristlet , decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad - coloured jewels 你的手鐲真是美麗,鑲著星辰,精巧地嵌著五光十色的珠寶。

Mr sensors in general and emr sensors in particular have myriad potential applications 一般的磁阻感應器,尤其是emr感應器,可以有無數的潛在用途。

Click on any of the links and discover the myriad things to do and see in hong kong 旁,于1990年動工, 1993年12月開光,并開放給公眾人士參觀。