
mutton n.羊肉;〔戲謔語〕羊。 dead as mutton ...

mutton bird

Deep - fried mutton chop with vegetable 蔬菜炸羊排

You look like a roast mutton 你看上去象個烤羊肉

Fried mutton shashlik with vegetable 煎羊肉串配菜

Quick - fried mutton slices with scallions 蔥爆羊肉

Dicussion on the development of mutton sheep in haibei district , qinghai province 青海省海北州肉羊生產發展芻議

Some typical dishes are roast duck , sliced mutton , and braised shark s fin 代表菜有烤鴨涮羊肉黃燜魚翅等。

We had roast mutton for dinner 我們晚餐吃烤羊肉。

Stewed mutton with potato and onion 土豆洋蔥燉羊肉

Dead as mutton , returned the other , and can t be too dead “死得像羊肉一樣, ”對方回答, “死得不能再死了。

Mutton slices in white sauce with rice 奶油燴羊肉飯

A wine that is great with flavoursome dishess of beef , mutton , lamb 此酒搭配牛排、羊肉、嫩羊排將更顯完美。

You iook iike a roast mutton 你看起來跟塊烤餅干一樣

Fresh and frozen mutton , whole carcasses 鮮凍胴體羊肉

How are you doing , mutton head 你做得怎么樣了,餅干頭

Fish doesn ' t go well with mutton 魚和羊肉在一起不好吃。

Deep - fried mutton chop with mashed potato 炸羊肉配土豆泥

Stewed mutton slices in cream with rice 奶油燴羊肉片米飯

Jubilee mutton . bovril , by james 六十周年紀念羊肉385 。

That means dip - boiled mutton slices 是浸煮羊肉片的意思。