
mussy adj.(-sier; -siest) 〔美口〕雜亂的,...


The specific research methods are listed : 1 . matched filter taking the max ouput snr as the best rule correlates nonstop divided signal and divided echo to detect low snr target signal . then all one dimension divided correlation outs and done fft in portrait to leach interferential signal such as static or low rate mussy meaves , many pathway echo and so on and to take target ' s time difference and doppler frequency that combine parameters that target ' s direction taken from antenna and so on to implement target ' s orientation and tracking 具體研究方法如下: 1 、采用以輸出信噪比最大為準則的最佳匹配濾波器來對分段的參考和目標信號作相關處理來檢測低信噪比目標信號,然后對一維分段相關輸出組作縱向傅立葉變換來濾除靜態或低速的雜波、多徑回波等干擾信號,并提取目標的時差和多普勒頻率,再結合由天線獲得的目標方向等參數,就可以實現目標的定位和跟蹤。

The master dissertation introduces passive correlative orientation system and base theory in signal dispose briefly in the first place . the system takes tv sound fm signal from tv satation signal . the power rate of tv station signal to sound signal is ten to one . in the case of submerged by mussy weave and machine ' s hot noise , dispersed target signal is feeble 系統采用電臺的電視伴音調頻信號,其中電臺信號與伴音信號功率之比基本為10 : 1 ,并且目標散射信號較弱,一般情況下淹沒在雜波和機器熱噪聲之下,采用常規的脈沖檢測方法很難對遠距離的目標進行檢測,而以電臺直達信號作為參考與目標回波信號進行相關檢測;系統中信號的相關處理會產生旁瓣,而強目標的旁瓣會影響附近的弱目標檢測。

4 . the signal data collected in expteriment are taken out in emulational research of system experiment . many methods such as adding window in frequency field , eliminating static object and so on restrain the width and sidelobe of static mussy weaves and detect out the target availably 4 、在系統實驗仿真研究中調出實驗采集信號數據,使用頻域加窗不加窗、清除靜態目標等方法很好地控制了靜態雜波干擾的幅度及旁瓣,有效地檢測出了目標。

2 . the spectrum correcting technique is applied in one dimension distance sidelobe restraining successly and deal with well with this understanding of zero or low doppler frequency and without noise , mussy weaves 2 、在一維距離旁瓣抑制中成功地應用了譜修正技術,在無噪聲、雜波干擾,零或低多普勒頻率情況下,處理效果良好。