
musicology n.音樂學,音樂研究。adj.-logical ,-gi...


Hence , music aesthetics is taken here to comprise those issues of a philosophical character surrounding the art of music since antiquity , excluding , insofar as such distinctions can be uncontroversially made , issues that belong more properly to music theory , musicology , the psychology of music , and normative compositional doctrine 于1735年率先提出美學一詞,使之成為哲學研究中的一個獨立學科,至今,凡是思考藝術時所引發的哲學論題都是美學的范疇,因此,音樂美學,包含思考音樂這種藝術時,所引發的哲學論題,人類的音樂美學思想可以追溯到古代。

Approaching from the perspective of cultural science , musicology , and aesthetic psychology in combination with the cultural background of the song dynasty , this paper makes a detailed and profound classification and analysis of the audial images of flute melody with which the song ci poetry abounds , and discloses their rich cultural connotations , actual target , and artistic appeal 本文從文化、音樂、審美心理等視角,結合宋代的社會背景,對于宋詞內大量出現的笛聲聽覺意象進行細致深入的分類、剖析,揭示其豐富的文化意蘊、內容指向和藝術魅力。

Based on analytical readings of carl dahlhaus ' two books , musik ? sthetik and grundlagen der musikgeschichte ( chinese translation by the present author ) , this article makes investigations into methodologies and viewpoints of music aesthetics of dahlhaus , who proved to be the most provocative and influential figure in post - war german musicology 摘要本文以達爾豪斯的兩部著作( 《音樂美學觀念史引論》和《音樂史學原理》 )為主要藍本,對這位德國當代最重要的音樂學家的音樂美學觀及方法論進行分析和研究。

The increasing momentum in the importation of western music and cultural concepts has brought a negative impact to native chinese traditional music ; at the same time , however , it also brought a sense of urgency with respect to the preservation of traditional music among native musicologists . pioneer musicologists such as wang guongqi , yang yingliu , and huang xianpeng had built a foundation of chinese musicology for systematic study of chinese traditional music 自二十世紀初,西方文化的傳入對中國傳統音樂的傳承和發展帶來了一定的沖擊,但也使本土音樂學者更感覺到捍衛本國音樂傳統的急逼性,音樂學者如王光祈、楊蔭瀏、黃翔鵬等前輩為此對中國音樂的系統性研究建立了基礎。

In addition to the basic course work , students can choose from a variety of courses in electronic music , conducting , various topics in western and chinese music , musicology , ethnomusicology , introduction to world music , and other subjects 除了基本科目外,音樂系提供多種科目以供學生選擇,例如:電子音樂、指揮、各類西洋及中國音樂專題、音樂學、民族音樂學、世界音樂導論及其他科目等等。

This lists cover a vast range of topics , including cognitive psychology , he admin , semi - group theory , musicology , physiotherapy , 18th century scottish literature , nutrition and fish diseases 此指引將電子資源區分成人文類電子資源格式humanities style及科學類電子資源格式scientific style ,一一說明引用的格式。

At present , musicology teaching is presence with many problems , such as odd teaching conception , simple methods and uneven teacher resource and so on , these reasons made students cannot be self - taught and self - make 目前聲樂教學存在著很多問題,如:教學觀念陳舊、方法簡單、師資水平參差不齊等原因使學生很難成材。

However , it appeared that , for most of the 20th century , native musicology and imported ethnomusicology were working somewhat separately 以上所述之中、西學術潮流,在二十世紀內,似乎大部分的時間是各自為營地在進行著中國音樂的研究。

Musicology has different strategies to overcome the problem of identity , especially by comparison , style analysis , and classification procedures 音樂學有其不同的策略以克服認同的問題,特別是透過比較、風格的分析,和分類的過程。

Abe marie is a postgraduate student from berkeley university in the us who has been working with the company as part of her ethno - musicology research 美國柏克萊大學研究生安倍瑪利亞,在這個公司上班,也從事人種音樂學的研究。

Wu kelan chaikefusiji musical institute and sanket musicology courtyard the which good place that is study vocal music that 烏克蘭柴科夫斯基音樂學院和圣彼得堡音樂學院哪個是學習聲樂的好地方那?

A summary of the treatises given on the 2005 ' national conference of the graduate education of musicology 全國音樂學研究生教學工作會議參會論文綜述

On the link of musicology teaching between teachers ' colleges amp; amp; music institutes 談高等師院與音樂院校音樂學課程教學的接軌

Gain , grasp and prospect : summary of the conference for chinese musicology vicennial anniversary 創刊20周年暨學術研討會綜述

Music musicology , world music , music theory , composition and performance 音樂-音樂學世界音樂音樂理論音樂創作及音樂演奏

The history of musicology 音樂學的歷史

The cultural perspective for musicology - a review of the fifteen years study in guangdong 音樂文化學嶺南15年概覽

Historical musicology interview 歷史音樂學(面試)

South korea ' s musicology in prospect 韓國音樂學的展望