
musically adv.音樂上,像音樂;音調佳妙,和諧。n.-calne...


“ this is the first study to show that brain responses in young , musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year , “ said trainor . over a year they took four measurements in two groups of children aged between four and six - those taking music lessons and those taking no musical training outside school - and found developmental changes over periods as short as four months 在一年的時間里,研究人員對兩組4至6歲的兒童進行了四項測定,其中一組是在課外時間上音樂課的兒童,另一組是未上音樂課的兒童,研究發現,在短短的四個月內,這兩組兒童的大腦發育都有所不同。

Meanwhile , the taichung center set up chinese folk music classes for those interested in learning to play the flute and nan - hu . participants enthusiastically led by the musically proficient brother wang presented a warm picture of musical harmony . as each participant , whether old or young , practices diligently , the sound of music from the flute or nan - hu will make each day more interesting and fulfilling 此外小中心也成立了國樂組,有笛子與南胡音樂班,由熱心且學有專精的王師兄帶領大家一起吹奏,場面十分熱絡,大人小孩個個認真練習,陣陣笛音琴聲,將每個日子妝點得多采多姿浪漫有趣!

Fortunately , times have changed a bit and one is no longer criticised for playing adaptations ( e . g . a violin piece on the harmonica ) as long as these are musically acceptable ? especially in case of instruments for which there is no large repertoire of original compositions 幸運的是,時間已經改變了一些東西,一個人再也不會因為演奏改編的曲目而受到非難了(例如用口琴演奏一首小提琴的曲目) ,只要這些改編的曲目在音樂性上是可以讓人接受的尤其在一些樂器的情況下。

A source told britain ' s daily star newspaper : “ tom ' s got a great voice . and he loves that song ever since his top gun character maverick sang it to woo his love interest kelly mcgillis . katie proved how talented she is musically when she performed in the singing detective remake . 一位消息人士向英國的每日星報透露: “湯姆克魯斯的嗓音很好,自從他飾演了壯志凌云中的麥德林后,就喜歡上了麥德林唱給愛人凱利麥吉利絲的那首當愛逝去。 ”

His technical level is ? at best ? passable , leading to a lack of musicality which is not surprising at all : how can a player play musically if he is constantly worrying about stumbling in the technically difficult passages ( of which there are many ) 他的技巧水準充其量尚可,導致了音樂性的缺乏,而對于這點完全不必意外:如果一個演奏者時不時擔心在有技術難度的樂段(在樂段中大量存在)上出問題,他又怎么能演奏的富有音樂性呢?

The u . s . court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit upheld a ban on guitars , keyboards or other electronic instruments for federal prisoners , ruling it does not violate their constitutional right to express themselves musically 本文來自news . jewelove . net該法院對禁止服刑犯人擁有電吉他鍵盤或其他電子樂器的禁令。盡管憲法規定囚犯有權在獄中用音樂表達自己,但該法院認為這一禁令并不與之沖突。

Gg : this cd is full of the most wonderful collaborations of the supreme master s words and the arrangements and the compositions musically of the people who are on here . i wish everyone had the chance to hear this , to experience this wonderful project 蓋瑞:這片光碟收錄了當代著名的音樂家以無上師優美的詩作所配成的樂曲,我希望大家都能聆聽,親自感受這項杰作。

With poloarts in 2002 and 2004 respectively . if china wants to have a great violinist , they have one . . . he is technically and musically very quick . . . he is intuitive . . . he has a lot of temperaments . . 如果中國希望可以出一位偉大的小提琴家,他們已經擁有了… …在技術上和音樂感上,他的反應十分快… …那是與生俱來… …他有很豐厚的氣質… … ?小提琴家拉茲亞羅

Here comes the star of the show . her poems were musically interpreted and showcased . simple , yet pregnant prose which captivates and captures the vision and theme of the this legendary heroine , dubbed as an icon of philanthropy 再來是當晚的主角明星,音樂家們用音樂來詮釋及演出她的詩,他們簡潔意賅地掌握住這位被稱為慈愛化身神話般女英雄的見解和主旨。

However , as many keyboard players are trained on the traditional piano , they often face considerable difficulties in adapting to this new instrument and in blending musically with other instruments in the worship team 然而,因為彈奏電子鍵盤的樂手大多出身古典鋼琴為,因此在轉而彈奏電子鍵盤時常常感到不知所措,也不知如何與團隊中的其他樂手配搭。

Court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit upheld a ban on guitars , keyboards or other electronic instruments for federal prisoners , ruling it does not violate their constitutional right to express themselves musically 盡管憲法規定囚犯有權在獄中用音樂表達自己,但該法院認為這一禁令并不與之沖突。

“ this is the first study to show that brain responses in young , musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year , “ said trainor who led the study 主研究員特萊諾爾說: “研究首次證明,經過一年的音樂培訓,受訓與未受訓孩子的大腦反應有所區別。 ”

“ this is the first study to show that brain responses in young musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year “ said trainor who led the study 主研究員特萊諾爾說: “研究首次證明,經過一年的音樂培訓,受訓與未受訓孩子的大腦反應有所區別。 ”

“ this is the first study to show that brain re o es in young , musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year , “ said trainor who led the study 主研究員特萊諾爾說: “研究首次證明,經過一年的音樂培訓,受訓與未受訓孩子的大腦反應有所區別。 ”

“ this is the first study to show that brain responses in young , musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year , “ said trainor 特芮娜說: “這項研究首次發現,受過音樂訓練的兒童和未受過音樂訓練的兒童的大腦反應在一年內發生了不同的變化。

A - mei , david tao , shunza : it ' s a blessing to have friends like you who keep me musically inspired . always listen to your heart and share with us what you hear 阿妹、陶?和順子:上天眷顧我能交到你們這些朋友,讓我能在音樂上充滿靈感,記得聆聽自己的心并和彼此分享你所聽到的。

The sport is a strictly female preserve and is comprised of five 1min 30sec musically accompanied routines in the following disciplines ; hoop , rope , clubs , ball and ribbon 這一運動絕對是女性的專屬項目,包括五套隨著音樂在1分30秒內完成的規定項目動作:圈、繩、棒、球和帶。

She was a devoted and loving mother to her son eric , a musically talented child with cerebral palsy who passed away in february of 2003 , at the age of 12 對于她的兒子艾力來說,她是一位盡責的慈母。艾力很有音樂天賦,可惜患上大腦麻痹。 2003年2月已經離世,當時只得12歲。

It ' s the emotional outburst of some personal views about the world from the heart of the poet with language refined in a unique way to be musically beautiful 語言精練,形式獨特,發泄情緒,表述看法,揮灑自身內在的美感樂韻,是詩人內心與外界的沖突和交融之終極。