
mushroom n.1. (主指食用)蕈,蘑菇。2.暴發戶。3.蘑菇狀物...


Actually that thing , we call it mushroom 其實那東西,咱們把它叫做蘑菇。

Beans , peas , mushrooms , seaweeds and sprouts 豆類、菇類、海藻及芽菜類。

I would recommend chicken soup with vegetables and mushrooms 我向您推薦蔬菜香菇雞湯。

Samples of mushrooms were collected for laboratory testing 該些野菇的樣本正在化驗中。

But he is not a man - he is a mushroom ! 他簡直不象是個人,他是個蘑菇。 ”

The mushroom omelet was eating itself with chopsticks 蘑菇煎蛋卷正在用筷子吃它自己。

Then guess who comes out smelling like a white mushroom 猜猜誰該出來扮演完美的好人?

The finish evokes autumn leaves and mushrooms 酒質豐饒怡人,酒體平衡,回味持久綿長。

They may add onions , mushrooms , peppers or meat (接著)加上洋蔥、蘑菇、胡椒粉和肉。

Slice the mushrooms , bamboo shoots and scallion stalks 香菇冬筍蔥白切片,火腿切條

New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the town 城市邊緣的新建房屋猶如雨后春筍。

Of all soups , you had to make mushroom soup 這么多種湯你干嗎非得燒蘑菇湯

There are many health benefits to eating mushrooms 吃蘑菇有許多保健作用。

Tortellini with porcini mushrooms 250g pure olive oil 1 lit 奧尼牌純正橄欖油1 lit

Rule of inspection of dehydrated mushrooms for export 出口脫水蘑菇檢驗規程

There may even have been some mushrooms in there 也許那上面都長了蘑菇了。

The mushrooms don ' t actually seem to be working ] 這蘑菇的味道還是不太正常

Notify me of updates to tagliatelle with forest mushrooms 意大利蘑菇闊面更新時通知我

The mushrooms don ' t actually seem to be working 這蘑菇的味道還是不太正常