
mull n.【紡織;印染】細軟薄棉布;人造絲薄綢。


She lolls on the sofa and lulls herself with mulled beer or by mulling over how to make a mull of all dolls that dare to loll their heads on the shoulders of her sterling darling 她?躺在沙發上,而藉加料溫啤酒來給自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃們,那些美娃膽敢把頭?靠在她真正的愛人的肩膀上。

So , after mulling the idea for a while and fielding repeated pitches from investment bankers , mr redstone began phoning board members 10 days ago with a proposal to divide the company 所以,深思之后并征求銀行投資家的意見之后,雷石東10天前打電話給董事會成員,征求他們對公司分拆的意見。

Tokyo , ap ? japan is mulling imposing restrictions on bluefin tuna catches in its waters in a bid to forestall a decline in numbers of the much - prized delicacy , a newspaper said sunday 東京,美聯社?報導周日指出,日本正考慮對該國海域之黑鮪魚撈捕量實施限制,避免此種珍貴魚類數量下滑。

Oh , li qingzhao , do you know there are similar sad men and women who are reading and joying your lines , mulling over your sadness , ac - companying you along on the way to look for something 李清照,你可知道世上還有與你同愁的苦龍怨鳳,品讀著你的詞,咀嚼著你的愁,隨你一路尋尋覓覓?

Sand mulling device is composed of runner wheel , mulling rotor and scraper , fit for mixing damp system sand for machine moulding in large size or medium size foundry workshop 該機的混砂裝置由輾輪混砂轉子刮板等部分組成。主要用于大中型鑄造車間混制機器造型用濕型單一砂。

The supreme court is currently mulling a case from kentucky about whether the current method , which uses three separate injections , is also cruel and unusual 最高法院正在研究肯塔基州的一個案例,考慮現行的方法,也就是使用3種不同的注射毒劑,是否也是殘忍且不尋常的。

Japanese electronics giants matsushita , hitachi and canon are mulling an alliance to jointly produce next - generation flat panel displays , news reports said wednesday 據澳大利亞媒體報道,本周三日本電器業三巨頭松下、日立和佳能宣布組成聯盟合力打造新一代平板顯示屏。

Other states are mulling laws like california ' s , and new avenues for litigation are opening ? churches may be prosecuted for destroying documents , for example 其他各洲也在考慮參照加利福尼亞來修訂法律,并且還增加了可以訴訟的罪名? ?比如,教會會因為毀壞文件而被起訴。

Indonesia looks for relief from ballooning oil bills , with state - owned pertamina mulling new refining capacity that can process cheaper mideast sour grades 印尼正在從昂貴的石油帳單中尋找安慰,國營石油公司正在考慮增加新的能夠加工便宜的中東酸質原油的產能。

Every morning , there are strategy sessions to mull the latest intelligence , and rapid - response teams are sent to remote places at the commander ' s bidding 每天早晨,都會召開戰略會議認真研磨最新情報,并根據指揮官的命令,將快速反應小組派往各個偏僻邊遠之地。

Next along to sample our mince pies and ( who knows ? ) perhaps a companionable glass of mulled wine and a slice of chocolate log : arsenal 下一個有幸來品嘗我們的碎肉餡餅(也許還會配上一杯細細研磨的紅酒和一條巧克力)的客隊球迷,是阿森納的支持者。

The player yesterday claimed to be mulling over an offer to move to old trafford , only for bayern to swiftly insist they had no intention of selling 這位球員昨天聲稱,他正在認真地考慮曼聯的加盟邀請,但拜仁很快便聲明他們不打算將其出售。

Far less flavorful than today , wines during the renaissance were often drunk “ mulled “ or “ honeyed “ . nostradamus used them in his medicinal potions 葡萄酒在文藝復興時期經常加熱或加蜂蜜飲用,口味遠不及今天可口。占卜者在制作藥劑時使用它。

Remember when we got home raking up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her supper with the chutney sauce she liked . and the mulled rum 記得回家后,我把火捅旺,替她煎了幾片羊腿肉當晚餐,并澆上她愛吃的酸辣醬。

Reports in spain claim that real madrid are mulling over a ? 14million offer for arsenal forward jose antonio reyes , and could make that bid this week 西班牙媒體報道皇馬已經準備了1400萬英鎊引進雷椰斯,并且能夠在本周達成這筆交易。

Crothers was there at the foot of the table in his striking highland garb , his face glowing from the briny airs of the mull of galloway 克羅瑟斯身穿醒目的高地服裝,坐在末席上。加洛韋岬角269那含有潮水氣味的風使他容光煥發。

Now , as pettitte mulls triggering a $ 16 million player option for next year , the onus will be on the left - hander to make a major decision 現在,小派正思考著是否行使1600萬美金的球員選擇權,如今這樣的變化將影響他的任何重大決定

So far , several romantics are mulling over buying the golden ticket on february 14 , betting on their partners being hungry 目前,一些浪漫主義者正在打算購買這張情人節的“黃金“門票,他們認定自己的愛人渴望擁有這樣的浪漫之夜。

A clutch of billionaires and anti - poverty campaigners gathered this month in the tanzanian bush to mull over africa ' s development 為了琢磨如何發展非洲,本月一群大款們與扶貧游說家在坦桑尼亞的一灌木叢中舉行了一次聚會。