
muckle adj.,n.1.= mickle.2.〔美方〕殺魚用的...


But spears publicists declined to comment on the media accounts . “ we have nothing to report and when we have we will let you know , “ sonia muckle , spears spokeswoman at her jive records label , told reuters late on tuesday 布蘭妮簽約公司jive records的發言人索尼亞邁克爾在周二晚些時候對路透社表示: “我們沒有什么可說的,等事情發生了我們會讓你們知道的。 ”

“ we have nothing to report and when we have we will let you know , “ sonia muckle , spears “ spokeswoman at her jive records label , told reuters late on tuesday 布蘭妮簽約公司jive records的發言人索尼亞邁克爾在周二晚些時候對路透社表示: “我們沒有什么可說的,等事情發生了我們會讓你們知道的。 ”