
lyra n.【天文學】天琴座。


When they returned to the ship , farder coram and john faa and the other leaders spent a long time in conference in the saloon , and lyra went to her cabin to consult the alethiome - ter 他們回到船上以后,法德爾?科拉姆、約翰?法阿以及其他頭領在酒吧間里開了個長會,萊拉則回到自己艙里,詢問真理儀。

This isosceles triangle is composed of vega in lyra , altair in aquila and deneb in cygnus 這個等腰三角形分別由天琴座主星織女天鷹座主星牛郎及天鵝座主星天津四所組成。

The seventh princess moved to the star vega the swooping eagle in the lyra harp constellation 織女星,天琴座中的最亮的那顆星牛郎星,牽牛星灰姑娘

Bright constellations : lyra , aquila , cygnus , scorpius and sagittarius 容易辨認的星座:天琴座天鷹座天鵝座天蝎座及人馬座

Lyra belacqua : [ upon receiving the alethiometer ] what is this 莉拉?貝拉奎亞(舉起剛剛接過來的金羅盤) :這是什么?

Lyra belacqua : i ' m not yours . i ' ll never be yours 莉拉?貝拉奎亞:我不是你的,而且永遠不會變成你的。

Line producer : hong sooyoung assistant director : chai lyra 臺詞:洪秀永助理導演:柴麗娜

Lyra belacqua : i need to go north ! to fight 莉拉?貝拉奎亞:我要去北方!我要去戰斗!