
lymph n.1.清泉。2.【解剖學】淋巴(液)。3.【醫學】(淋...

lymph node

Plexus lumbalis lymph 淋巴腰叢

Cancer , an aggressively spreading kind , had already invaded thirteen of my lymph nodes 癌癥,已經擴散到我的淋巴節的十三處了。

Plexus axillaris lymph 淋巴腋叢

Prostatic carcinoma vegf - c expression and lymph vessel count immunohistochemical investigation 表達及淋巴管計數的免疫組化研究

Plexus mammarius lymph 淋巴乳房叢

Plexus coeliacus lymph 淋巴腹腔叢

Sentinel lymph node biopsy was done through the assisatance of handheld gamma probe 經手持探測器輔助,完成前哨淋巴結摘除。

The most favorite site of metastasis is to local lymph nodes in the neck 甲狀腺乳頭狀癌轉移最常見部位是頸部的局部淋巴結。

Plexus aorticus lymph 淋巴主動脈叢

Under low power , note that the normal architecture of the lymph node is obliterated 低倍鏡下已經看不到正常的淋巴結結構。

Plexus jugularis lymph 淋巴頸靜脈叢

Develop swollen or tender lymph nodes , especially in the neck , groin , or armpit 頸部、腹股溝或腋下的淋巴結腫大或疼痛。

Plexus inguinalis lymph 淋巴腹股溝叢

Deep inguinal lymph node 腹股溝深淋巴結

Local lymph node enlargement usually indicates a regional infection 局部淋巴結腫大通常是意味著該淋巴節附近區域之感染。

Plexus hypogastricus lymph 淋巴腹下叢

Even then , the person may not be aware that his lymph glands are swollen 即使這時,有些人可能仍不知道他的淋巴腺腫了。

Plexus sacralis medius lymph 淋巴骶中叢

Plexus iliacus externus lymph 淋巴髂外叢