
lydgate n.利德蓋特〔姓氏〕。


Lydgate divined some delicacy of feeling here, but did not half understand it . 這里包含的微妙情緒,利德蓋特有些察覺,但一點也不理解。

This was a point on which lydgate smarted as much as wrench could desire . 倫奇所指望的這種后果,正是利德蓋特最忌諱的事。

However, lydgate was installed as medical attendant on the vincys . 但不管怎樣,利德蓋特現在成了文西家的醫生。

Lydgate did not care about commercial politics or cards . 利德蓋特即不關心生意上的勾心斗角,也不打牌。

Lydgate found it more and more agreeable to be with her . 利德蓋特越來越覺得,跟她在一起趣味無窮。

In brief, lydgate was what is called a successful man . 總之,利德蓋特是我們所說的飛黃騰達的人。

Lydgate was one of the most conceited, unpleasant fellows . 利德蓋特目空一切,討厭極了。

Lydgate did not dispense drugs . 利德蓋特不出售藥品。

Lydgate had the counter idea . 利德蓋特有一個針鋒相對的思想。